Script element transparency to animate a fading effect [VID]


 Applies To 
 Environment: N\A
 Area: Animation
 Subarea: General
 Original Author:Craig Calvin, Bentley Technical Support Group



This video demonstrates how to animate a fading effect by scripting element transparency. 

Support Video Clip

Steps to Accomplish

  1. Select the elements
         • Doing this step before selecting the Script Element Attribute tool allows the element selection tool to be used.
  2. Select the Script Element Attribute tool
         To Access
           • Tasks: Animation > Animation Properties > Script Element Attribute
           • Menu: Tools > Animation > Animation Settings > Script Element Attribute
         Tool Settings
           • Setting: Transparency
           • Start Time: (Adjust as required)
           • Transparency: (Adjust as required)
  3. Click a data point to accept
    Repeat steps 2-3 to script the element transparency at different times as needed.

 Note: Animating transparency of elements with materials is discussed here.

See Also

In MicroStation we can apply "FADE" animation Effect?

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