AutoCAD 3D Objects are not displaying with Object Enablers installed.

Version(s):V8i & CONNECT

Problem Description

AutoCAD 3D Objects are not displaying with the correct Object Enablers installed.


Steps to Resolve

The solution is to use the DWG Open Options - Proxy Object settings to get the AutoCAD 3D Objects to Display in MicroStation.

1. Select the DWG file
2. Click on Options
3. Go to Advanced > Custom/Proxy Objects > Custom Objects Display Mode = Render.

4. Click OK
5. Click Open


If the AutoCAD 3D Objects still wont display in MicroStation then check the following. 

A. Make sure you have the correct version of AutoCAD Object Enablers installed.
B. Make sure that in AutoCAD the DWG file was last saved with the System Variable PROXYGRAPHICS = ON
C. Make sure the object enabler is designed to save the graphics in response to this system variable
D. Make sure that the Proxy Graphics looks as they should in AutoCAD in f.ex. Wireframe or Mesh.

See Also

For more information on AutoCAD Object Enablers see this WIKI:

Other Language Sources


 Original Author:Anders OMahony