Bentley Accredited Bridge Modeler: Basic Bridge Modeling with OpenBridge Modeler – Program Overview

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Advance your Skills and Career

The Bentley Accredited Bridge Modeler Program is an official credential from Bentley Systems, Inc. that verifies you have the essential OpenBridge modeling software skills to be a productive asset to your employer.

By completing the accreditation course via an instructor-led session or by self-studying and passing the assessment quiz, you will have demonstrated the skills to stand out from the competition and advance your career to the next level. 

After you have satisfactorily completed the accreditation assessment questions, you will receive an official “Bentley Accredited” digital badge.

Program Benefits


Program Requirements


Basic OpenBridge – User Accreditation Offering

The Basic OpenBridge Modeler accreditation offering focuses on the basic skills required for working on the 3D modeling of a typical bridge project using OpenBridge Designer or OpenBridge Modeler.

Users will need to complete the course to demonstrate their skills and abilities with bridge geometry, 3D modeling, template creation, and modification, generating geometry and quantities reports, and, producing 2D drawings.


Recommended Courses (OnDemand or Live/Virtual)

Users can add to their skills as needed by taking courses or reviewing materials as mentioned below.


You MUST have OpenBridge Designer or OpenBridge Modeler version 2021 R1 or later.


Contacting Bentley

Please feel free to contact us with any questions or concerns that you may have about the accreditation program. You can e-mail us at and add OpenBridge Accreditation to the subject line.


Sign up for accreditation now by visiting the LEARNserver