New DWG features supported in MicroStation CONNECT



MicroStation now supports functionality for AutoCAD multileaders in MicroStation CONNECT


MicroStation has had a concept of multileaders for quite some time. But now MicroStation supports multileaders placed with AutoCAD dimension tools.A DWG multileader  is composed of a multiline text and one or more leader lines on one side of the text becomes a note element with multiple leader dimensions.

These can now be edited in MicroStation CONNECT, previously these elements were locked and could only be view in the DWG file. This does come with some caveats:

Annotative Objects

Annotative objects such as text, notes and dimensions in model space become annotative elements when a DWG file is opened in MicroStation. You can edit these elements and/or change the model's annotation scale. This will change the size of the annotative objects.

To access Annotation scale settings to Utilities>Drawing Scale ribbon

•Non-annotative objects, require a fixed size or scale that is calculated based on the scale used to plot the drawing

•Annotative objects automatically adjust to display uniformly at the same size or scale regardless of the scale of the view

Block Attributes as Tags
A special item type library "DWG Attribute Definitions" is created and used exclusively for DWG attribute definitions. Additionally, you will observe the following behavior when the setting is off:

If an attribute is of MTEXT type their value will be shown in the Properties dialog, however changes to these properties will not be reflected in the text nodes, neither will they be saved back to DWG. If there are no changes made, the text nodes will be round-tripped back to DWG as multi-line attributes.

When a text field linked to a valid item type property is edited, for example, by adding an additional line of text after the field, and when you save the file as DWG, the whole text node will be saved as an mtext entity, and not an attribute entity.

In case you wonder why the difference – this is because a multiline attribute is no longer a field therefore there is nothing to break.  A single line attribute is a field, therefore adding a non-field text breaks it up.

See also

Other language sources

 Original Author:Reginald Wallace