Quicktime for Windows support ends and Effect on PowerPlatform products.

 Version:V8i, Connect


In April 2016 Apple made the decision to deprecate support for QuickTime for Windows. As such security updates will no longer be provided.

With updates no longer being provided this leaves machines open to possible exploitations due to current known and undiscovered vulnerabilities.

With this it is recommended users uninstall QuickTime for Windows or risk potential security threats.

Features Affected:

Render Panoramas options for Object Images will be unavailable once QuickTime is uninstalled; these include the following:

The above features generated an interactive .mov file, when opened within QuickTime or other supported media players.

Note: Regular Cube and Cylinder Panoramas are unaffected.


3D PDF: Directly from MicroStation a 3D PDF can be published for review. Adobe Reader 7.0 or higher required. Benefits include that animations in design files can be played in pdf.

Bentley View: Free application available for review of design files.

LumenRT LiveCubes: Self-contained executables that can be delivered to clients can be generated for review.

Examples of these can be downloaded from the following:


See also




Other language sources


 Original Author:David Trejo-Rodriguez