Controlling Levels when upgrading V7 files to V8 format

 Version:V7, V8


Controlling Levels when upgrading V7 files to V8 format


When upgrading a V7 format drawing to a V8 format drawing, you can use the variable MS_V7TOV8_CSVNAME along with a CSV level table to control levels during the upgrade. The CSV level table is formatted different than the CSV remap table when converting files. You cannot use the CSV remap table with the variable MS_V7TOV8_CSVNAME. The CSV Level table is created using Level Manager inside MicroStation.

Steps to Accomplish

Option 1: Creating the CSV Level table with all level settings.

1. In MicroStation, open the Level Manager dialog box.
2.      Display all columns that you want includes in the CSV file, including the Level Name column and the Level Number column.
3.      Add 63 levels and number them 1 through 63 (these will equal the 63 levels from V7).
4.      Fill in the Level Name column and any additional columns for all 63 levels.
5.      In Level Manager, from the Levels pull-down, select Export.
6.      Select the location and file name for the CSV file to be created.
7.      Select the Save button.
8.      The CSV file was has now been created that will be used when upgrading the V7 file to a V8 format.
9.      In the MicroStation Configuration, set the variable MS_V7TOV8_CSVNAME to the CSV file that you just created in the steps above. Include the full path and file name.

When upgrading a V7 file to the V8 format, the CSV Level file that you created will be used to map the V7 level number to the corresponding level name and include the level attributes that were saved in the CSV Level table.

Option 2: Creating a blank CSV level table and editing it in Excel.

1. In MicroStation, open the Level Manager dialog box.
2.      Display all columns that you want includes in the CSV file, including the Level Name column and the Level Number column.
3.      In Level Manager, from the Levels pull-down, select Export.
4.      Select the location and file name for the CSV file to be created.
5.      Select the Save button.
6.      The CSV file was has now been created that will be used when upgrading the V7 file to a V8 format.
7.      Open the CSV Level table in Excel and add or edit the information for all 63 levels.
8.      In the MicroStation Configuration, set the variable MS_V7TOV8_CSVNAME to the CSV file that you just created in the steps above. Include the full path and file name.
When upgrading a V7 file to the V8 format, the CSV Level file that you created will be used to map the V7 level number to the corresponding level name and include the level attributes that were saved in the CSV Level table.

See Also

Batch upgrade-v7-files-to-v8

Other language sources

 Original Author:Rick Ruth