Resolved issues in MicroStation CONNECT Edition Update 9,


Resolved issues in MicroStation CONNECT Edition Update 9,

This is the list of the resolved issues for MicroStation CONNECT Edition Update 9,

See HTML Table below 

Defect NumberDescription
793722Added GCS EPSG:5681 to EPSG:5685
706075Resolved issue with specific DWG file delayed during open
797279Rationalized BeTA2010 German GCS
807476Resolved issue with logical value displays as Master in Level Manager with empty levels from DGNLIB
637845Resolved Keyin issue with export googleearth [Filename] that results in Save File dialog pops up
696939Fixed issue with Raster attachment boundary should not be considered for flood calculations
700662Implemented CGCS2000
763172Resolved issue with WMS image does not display when you switch from Default to Sheet Model view
808509Resolved issue with German BWTA2017.gsb file supporting reprojection from DHDN to ETRS89
819789Rationalize Czech coordinate systems
820544Resolved issue with Problem with the display of 3MX Model
854346Resolved issue with incorrect interpretation of WKT/PRJ file for Czech coordinate system
820996Fixed specific issue with copy PDF as OLE
854630Resolved issue with allowing unsimplified mesh
322752Fixed issue with specific Accudraw with Measure Area by points method
712034Resolved issue with By level assigned text color changes after changing text style through Properties
820173Optimized MS_WORKSETMISMATCH_ALERT_EXCLUDE_VARS_WORKSPACELEVEL when defined to generate the list of files from Mapped drives
873406Resolved issue where User cannot change Background map Type in the View Attributes dialog box
855521Resolved CadWorx Object Enabler display issue

See Also

MicroStation CONNECT Edition Update 9 - Announcement
MicroStation CONNECT Edition Update 8 - Announcement
MicroStation CONNECT Edition Update 7 - Announcement
Resolved Defect List – MicroStation CONNECT Edition Update 6
Resolved Defect list – MicroStation CONNECT Edition Update 5
Resolved Defects List - MicroStation CONNECT Edition Update 4
Resolved Defects List - MicroStation CONNECT Edition Update 3
Resolved issues in Microstation CONNECT Update 2

Other language sources

 Original Author:Maria Garcia