Defect Number | Description |
793722 | Added GCS EPSG:5681 to EPSG:5685 |
706075 | Resolved issue with specific DWG file delayed during open |
797279 | Rationalized BeTA2010 German GCS |
807476 | Resolved issue with logical value displays as Master in Level Manager with empty levels from DGNLIB |
637845 | Resolved Keyin issue with export googleearth [Filename] that results in Save File dialog pops up |
696939 | Fixed issue with Raster attachment boundary should not be considered for flood calculations |
700662 | Implemented CGCS2000 |
763172 | Resolved issue with WMS image does not display when you switch from Default to Sheet Model view |
808509 | Resolved issue with German BWTA2017.gsb file supporting reprojection from DHDN to ETRS89 |
819789 | Rationalize Czech coordinate systems |
820544 | Resolved issue with Problem with the display of 3MX Model |
854346 | Resolved issue with incorrect interpretation of WKT/PRJ file for Czech coordinate system |
820996 | Fixed specific issue with copy PDF as OLE |
854630 | Resolved issue with allowing unsimplified mesh |
322752 | Fixed issue with specific Accudraw with Measure Area by points method |
712034 | Resolved issue with By level assigned text color changes after changing text style through Properties |
820173 | Optimized MS_WORKSETMISMATCH_ALERT_EXCLUDE_VARS_WORKSPACELEVEL when defined to generate the list of files from Mapped drives |
873406 | Resolved issue where User cannot change Background map Type in the View Attributes dialog box |
855521 | Resolved CadWorx Object Enabler display issue |