Resolved Issues in MicroStation CONNECT Edition Update 12,


Resolved issues in MicroStation CONNECT Edition Update 12,

This is the list of the resolved issues for MicroStation CONNECT Edition Update 12,

See HTML Table below

Issue NumberDescription
1005893Fixed issue with Export Levels to CSV cannot Import the Level Numbers from the CSV in specific file.
967106Resolved issue with Command "Dialog Section" > "Section by Projection" > "Element".
967913Resolved issue with Georeferenced PDF located incorrectly.
970059Fixed issue with saving DGN to DWG incorrectly displaying of filled and patterned shapes.
932069Resolved issue with Save as on specific files resulted in Read Only during crash.
776532Resolved issue with 3D Parallel / Perpendicular constraint working incorrectly with a particular 2D Line Element.
909850Fixed issue with items are selected for this specific file causing a crash.
959690Fixed issue with reference display not linking properly with Saved View.
947017Fixed issue with Search in items tab leads to crash MS for i.dgn file.
947695Resolved issue with specific file with a rotated centroid.
974231Fixed issue with Solar Exposure Calculator using North from a reference rather than main file.
916763Fixed issue USTN_WORKSETDGNWSTEMPLATE creates two sheet indexes in one file.
659785Fixed issue with DGN with attached nested Reference containing shared cell does not display in specific file.
716621Fixed issue with specific file exporting 3D DXF or DWG to 2D DGN looses Color Table.
935195Resolved issue where Hatches were resulted in file open slowness.
942752Fixed issue with Report field does not populate lookup data linked to item type.
694699Resolved issue where cells with Tags included appeared graphically smaller in cell selector icon.
957413Improved Performance issue manipulating reference files.
964499Fixed issue with Text field cannot be placed for named boundary properties.
965774Resolved issue where specific GeoTIFF is shifted from correct coordinate location.
863101Fixed issue with uneven (Convex or concave) shape masking on 3sm wont get seen in LumenRT.
979381Fixed issue using the cells from *.PAT are not being honored with the use of the scale lower than 0.05.
965057Resolved issue where Dimension of references resets to 0 when opening models in wrong order.
977731Fixed issue where Tags being placed on Default rather than active level.
940153Fixed issue with save multiple image with layers from luxology dialog saves wrong image for preview output set in luxology dialog.
947598Solved issue with Print preview on a particular file hangs MicroStation CE.
934397Resolved issue with Modify Solid (Mode : Modify Face), does not generate preview while developing through cut on Solids.
385197Fixed issue with Background image won't get seen in output image from Tone map bing file.
468482Fixed issue with Solar wont get exported to LXO if SUN intensity = No SUN.
670860Resolved issue with Save image tool that did not remember last used location for save image ,user required to navigate to desired location each time when use "Save Image".
700255Fixed imported LXP materials that would not get seen on element in rendered output.
945221Resolved specific issue with Measure "Along Element" in specific file.
8776Resolved issue with  Import Coordinates not handling file paths longer than 125 characters.
158946Fixed specific issue with Export to FBX in specific file.
800955Resolved issue with specific STEP export being incomplete.
916971Fixed issue where Levels from dgnlib are temporarily lost when compressing DGN file.
327898Fixed issue with HTML Author is not working with Microsoft Edge in Windows 10.
958085Fixed issue with DIN dimension is not displayed correctly in DWG.
959536Fixed issue with _USTN_USERCFG is locked by the application.
960793Resolved issue where specific DWG file's MText is not displaying correctly, displays multiline instead of single line.