Product(s): | MicroStation | ||
Version(s): | | ||
Environment: | N\A | ||
Area: | FAQ | ||
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The MicroStation CONNECT Edition Team examined and resolved many issues across multiple areas for MicroStation CONNECT Edition Update 13. In addition to resolving User defects that have been listed below, we would like to highlight a few key areas that were focused on for this release.
The key drivers were:
From a usability and functionality standpoint, you will see improvements in the time to open and list properties in the Properties dialog and the introduction of the V8i Task Theme to help with the user experience of users moving from V8i to MicroStation CONNECT Edition.
In regard to Performance, large files (~600MB and larger) will have improved opening times that can be potentially be exponential when compared to MicroStation V8i SELECTSeries 10. Please keep your eyes on Bentley Communities for Blog posts on this and other performance related topics.
In the area of Visualization, improvements have been made to Material and Mapping handling, improvements to the LumenRT Exporter and a new PBR (Physically Based Rendering) content library.
RealDWG 2019 in MicroStation CONNECT Edition Update 13 is now supported from a file open and save standpoint. In addition, performance improvements have been made when opening DWG files with ACIS Solids.
From the Modeling area, the MicroStation Team resolved critical issues with the legacy solids modeling tools resulting in smoother workflow and operation. Also improved interactions between Parametric Solids with normal solids manipulation tools. Please look forward to upcoming Blog posts on this topic
Support for Windows Server 2019 has also been added from a supported Operating System standpoint.
This is the list of the resolved issues for MicroStation CONNECT Edition Update 13,
Issue Number |
Description |
1024978 |
Resolved Issue with specific file where export dgn to FBx and obj, with mapping of the texture is wrong. |
1031127 |
Fixed issue with certain cases (Profile based solid with Chamfer & Fillet Features), Array Along Path Tool gives incorrect Results (with Rotate Item ON and OFF). |
737751 |
Fixed issue with Enter Data Fields copies every time after each editing. |
1032617 |
Level Display dialog does not get updated after saved view applied. |
946908 |
Dropping shared cell to Normal cell crashes in specific file. |
998337 |
Error creating file when saving this dgn to dwg due to specific ItemType issue. |
985043 |
Resolved issue with Text with masking background in Detailing Symbols Styles does not mask the wing. |
1028135 |
Fixed issue with Geometry map not deleting after switching to Legacy to PBR and change pattern on PBR. |
1029071 |
Resolved hangs while opening specific IFC file. |
803394 |
Fixed issue with Data Fields to be filled can't be highlighted or selected in certain file. |
976595 |
Array Along Path Tool gives incorrect Result with Arc and Helix as a Path Element. |
1006179 |
For certain cases, Array Along Path Tool gives incorrect Results when 'Rotate Items' toggle is set to ON. |
1008553 |
Resolved issue with specific file resulting in a hang while Publishing iModel 2.0 in Windows 7. |
1012891 |
Fixed issue with Auto Fill in Data Fields not filling in proper sequence . |
1034348 |
Fixed specific file shows elements in the file which are not displayed & are causing performance issues. |
730231 |
Resolved issue with DWG tables resized when opened. |
872274 |
Fixed issue with Zoom doesn't work correctly in the Find/Replace text tool, for texts in reference file. |
931636 |
Renaming a Named Group changing between Upper and Lower case reports already exists. |
1022127 |
Fixed issue with large TIFF files fail to display. |
1026624 |
Resolved issue with FBX exported from MicroStation CONNECT Edition causes mesh geometry to break in pieces instead of export as single mesh geometry. |
800144 |
Resolved issue with Fence stretch unexpected/undesired behavior in specific file. |
898506 |
Attached material lost after converting a Solid/SmartSolid to Mesh. |
941474 |
Resolved MicroStation crashes on fit view after attach xrdp format reality mesh. |
1022378 |
Exporting DGN with multiple references should have to change duplicate element ids from multiple reference. |
1018653 |
Resolved issue with edit single Enter datafield does not work on Nested cells. |
862239 |
Fixed issue with using the ' Copy Model ' tool does not yield same results as the model being copied. |
853270 |
Fixed issue with Hatch set in the Cut Section using display Rule is not seen at the correct position in 2D Sheet / Drawing model. |
981142 |
Fixed issue with Web map services ssl protocol to TLSv1.1. and TLSv1.2 does not work. |
1009237 |
Resolved crash with Save Settings causes MicroStation to exit in specific file. |
1014356 |
Resolved issue with Cached Visible Edges using the level override setting of the active Reference instead of that set in the nested Reference. |
1015045 |
Enable Disable Mirror for Env > Image should be Setup specific. |
999491 |
Resolved issue with Material disappearing if you edit primitive/smart/parametric solid. |
999634 |
Fixed issue with Material not showing after using Union Feature. |
941555 |
Resolved issue with Ribbon resizing application being slow. |
988652 |
Fixed crash with 3D Angle Constraint not working in all degrees in specific file. |
989545 |
Resolved issues with transparent Cached Visible Edges and Printing Issues. |
976469 |
Fixed issue with Label Point Coordinate Separator Defined As Space Fails To Recognize Active Level. |
999898 |
Specific Shp file crashes MicroStation CONNECT - Resolved. |
1005208 |
Fixed issue with Dcdrape material will not render same as Displayed in View, DCDRAPE gets scaled down and tiled on mesh in Luxology Output. |
1007911 |
Resolved issue with specific file where merging a reference file into the master file deletes the saved views in the master file. |
968155 |
Fixed issue with Ordinate Dimension> ‘Datum Value’ is not working properly. |
968159 |
Fixed issue with message center not providing coordinates after doing Snap tentative. |
983218 |
Fixed Import of specific ACIS(*.sat) file where Coordinates changed Error. |
981308 |
When copying some Parametric solids from reference in MicroStation, the MicroStation application crashes - Resolved. |
999249 |
Resolved issue with Dynamic Views Drawing With Hatch Area using display rules. |
1007200 |
Resolved issue with Cell name with special character not handeled currectly, export BIM info to LumenRT cause export issue. |
538475 |
Fixed issue with Surface elements treated as multi-faceted during Luxology rendering. |
630089 |
Fixed MicroStation CONNECT Edition crashes when you perform Save Settings on specific file. |
643156 |
Fixed issue where AccuDraw loses the focus every time an arithmetic operation is done and intro is pressed to introduce the result of the calculation. |
662338 |
Resolved issue with Save Multiple image script genearate wrong results (missed objects). |
675548 |
Fixed issue where “Place Coordinate cell” does not automatically update the field. |
853600 |
Resolved issue when converting ACIS to parasolids causes a delay. |
909582 |
MicroStation CONNECT crash from Text Template Manager in German version. |
908628 |
Schemas are not embedded in the i.dgn after publishing a dgn in which item type is created. |
470871 |
Fixed Raster data is not displaying for attached dataset. |
531796 |
Fixed Dcdrape material quality is low in Luxology rendering output. |
662925 |
Resolved Geometries are getting exported to incorrect locations in specific file. |
989628 |
Fixed issue with Re-exporting dgn to LRT from Update 11 will lead to crash in specific file. |
995823 |
Resolved issue where PNG images can not be seen correctly. |
996727 |
Fixed issue where you cannot change material through property dialog. |
962509 |
Resolved issue where Level display is not updated after sheet creation. |
963839 |
Fixed issue in specific file where Nested Extended Elements lost from dgn to dwg. |
925434 |
Cancelling search in Select Geographic Coordinate System’ dialog > Search tab> ‘Find Now’ caused unhandled exception error. |
931504 |
Resolved issue where selecting large no of elements in presence of Element Iinformation dialog takes lot of time. |
933824 |
Fixed issue with material attachment from external material will not be seen in material hierarchy. |
945301 |
Resolved issue where levels do not show on Rhino 5.0 file. |
957879 |
Resolved issue with specific files where Referencing or Opening SHP file is crashing MicroStation CONNECT Edition. |
730458 |
Resolved issue with specific files exported to ACIS sat can not be viewed from AutoCAD. |
773607 |
Resolved issue with not being able to 'Exchange' into reference file when its display is off. |
792911 |
Fixed issue with missing material assignment in materials file when edited and compressed. |
794837 |
Fixed issue where internal material palette cannot be "Save" or "Save As" after edit. |
328353 |
Rsesolved issue with Convert external materials to internal wont display materials and palette as internal. |
420112 |
Fixed issue where material is seen missing for reference element when specific files are opened in MicroStation CONNECT Edition. |
683456 |
Resolved issue where delete light setup operation won't UNDO in one click, required to undo twice, light manager won't refresh to show undo operation. |
695710 |
Resolved issue with crash when attached external materials in specific files. |
736815 |
Fixed issue when using Raster transform tool to move a raster, the raster becomes visible rather than being invisible. |
817956 |
Fixed issue with viewing raster image in Microstation Connect Edition in specific file. |
905845 |
Once a Material has been assigned to a Solid it cannot be changed via the Properties dialog - Resolved. |
928383 |
Fixed isue with SketchUp export results into triangular mesh facets. |
928505 |
Fixed issue where elements having Transparant Matrial attchments are coming as opaque. |
932719 |
Resolved issue with WMS 1.3.0 and EPSG:3059 causing hang. |
943882 |
Resolved issue with Hook to F1 in Reports dialog. |
949285 |
Fixed issue with Custom filter in Create Link > Configuration Variable Link does not work. |
949665 |
Resolved issue with WMS Raster Attachment not working in specific file. |
978357 |
Resolved issue with not being able to redo edited text. |
989627 |
Resolved issue with specific dgn file failing to open in MicroStation CONNECT Edition. |
996754 |
Resolved issue with Copy /paste elements on material not working. |
733538 |
Resolved issue with display problem with raster images with clip boundary on specific file. |
956525 |
Fixed issue with storing PNG file to location from Multiple script render is not working properly. |
960259 |
Resolved issue with Export Levels to CSV not Importing the Level Numbers from the CSV. |
972305 |
Fixed crash while opening specific IFC file. |
975033 |
Fixed issue with auto-word in this multileader did not wrap correctly. |