Resolved issues in MicroStation CONNECT Edition Update 6

 Version(s):CONNECT Update 6

This is the list of the resolved issues for MicroStation CONNECT Edition Update 6,

See the details in the Table below.

Defect NumberDescription
329761Resolved issue with MicroStation pdf file not measuring correctly in Adobe products.
691332SDK Help WPF topic makes reference to 32-bit MicroStation CONNECT
691335SDK Typos in Help Topic - Working With Schemas > Best Practices
703030Resolved crash when renaming sheet model from Model dialog which has saved view reference without drawing boundaries.
704195Resolved issue when Global Origin is Shifted from Design plane center then Exported ACS has cordinates with respect to Design plane center insted of Global origin.
635470Fixed issue with VBA method .GetTotalTextSize returning incorrect values. Width from single character and both values in UOR
650706Resolved crash when Importing specific CGM files.
668343Fixed issue when fence mode set to CLIP after doing Key in: ff= to save the elements in a new file option clip Works exactly as the option inside.
378038Resolved issue where Fence used in Reference tools are not recognized by the tools.
699686Resolved issue with 'Synchronize/Follow/Capture Google Earth View' tools are not working with Google Earth PRO version.
699718Resolved issue when Feature solid will not show material texture in view if changes in View brightness or Zoom in or out view are done.
699721Resolved issue when attachment selection border remain on element, even when deleted from attachment entry from material under material editor.
528101Resolved issue with VBA help in MicroStation CONNECT Edition still refers to V8i.
677593Resolved issue when specific DWG file takes more time to open compared to MicroStation V8i.
698824Fixed issue with specific DWG file opening slower in MicroStation CONNECT Edition compared to MicroStation V8i.
687391Resolved issue with Accudraw polar mode not working correctly in specific file.
455496Resolved issue where attachment selection border remain on element even if we deleted attachment entry from material under material editor.
740404Added support for DWG Block description definition property.

See Also:

MicroStation CONNECT Edition Update 6 - Announcement
Resolved Defect list – MicroStation CONNECT Edition Update 5
Resolved Defects List - MicroStation CONNECT Edition Update 4
Resolved Defects List - MicroStation CONNECT Edition Update 3
Resolved issues in Microstation CONNECT Update 2
Resolved issues in Microstation CONNECT Update 1


 Original Author:Maria Munoz