Resolved Issue in MicroStation CONNECT Edition Update 11,


Resolved issues in MicroStation CONNECT Edition Update 11,

This is the list of the resolved issues for MicroStation CONNECT Edition Update 11,

See HTML Table below

930444Resolved issue with CurveVector.ClosestPointBounded
886188Resolved issue when applying Element Template with custom Item Type.
870170Fixed issue with complex mesh case with Mesh Boolean
930246Resolved issue with Material Attachment is not seen in the Material Editor until  a reopen of the file after Undo opration
926697Fixed issue with Offset XYZ components in properties pane need to be editable.
925741Fixed issue with Delete vertex tool deletes all collinear vertices in a line segment.
916939Resolved specific issue with MicroStation when compressing DWG files to remove unused levels
918345Improved OBJ export.
905206Resolved specific issue where new elements are displayed after reference merge.
899491Fixed issue with Material attachment is not seen in the Material Editor until a reopen of the file.
899559Fixed issue with Material still seen on Parametric solids even after removing the Attachment.
872603Fixed issue with specific solid where Modify Solid (Mode : Modify Face), does not generate through cut.
861868Resolved issue with Reprojection causes Reload detection.
886775Fixed issue when saving specific file to DWG  where the pattern scale changes from 1:50 to 1:1
486340Resolved issue with the Imprint Tool (Mode : Offset Solid Edges) not able to select multiple edges of solid to offset.
681638Fixed issue with Find Replace with Regular Expression option BeginningOfLine hangs application.
719106Resolved issue in specific file where two Solar exposure analysis have different results.
734635Level flags should be considered for point cloud data.
923150Fixed  issue with specific solid extruded from AEE behaves incorrectly when parent is rotated.
560354Fixed issue where use  mdlLevel_create causes temporary wrong level behavior in level display
872026Fixed issue with Display Rule Symbology does not apply correctly on Cells and Shared Cells
882316Resolved issue with specific file where Level display off if there is more than 64 levels in a file fails when the levels are created in same session. 
883934Fixed issue with Export Coordinates tool is exporting text element location as zero.
898567Resolved issue with specific Level Library causing a crash.
905505[Crash][Regression][From SS4] MicroStation crashes while opening the view group dialog.
670866Resolved issue where Export Coordinates tool not exporting coordinates of text.
905732Resolved issue when Text Favorite causing a crash when selecting an array  ratio.
885393Resolved issue with crash when save as on specific file.
799046Fixed issue with Export VISSIM file into LumenRT vehicles are offset from the its original route.
883899Fixed issue with Compress changing the active ByLevel Linestyle in the Ribbon Attributes Group
378203Remove MS_WORKSPACEOPTS variable from CONNECT Edition. We have new MS_CONFIGURATIONOPTS
386158Resolved issue where MicroStation would crash when loading specific .rsc file in FontUtilities.
697470Resolved issue where Calculating Area of specific file returns incorrect result.
939809Fixed issue with specific file with Calculating Area giving incorrect result.
681414Resolved issue with single packaged iModel not displaying in Windows preview pane
930463Capability to Attach an item type from a dgnlib library directly
799430Resolved specific crash while opening attached IFC file.
541573VBA method GetFloodBoundary expects Point in UOR instead of working units
816649Fixed specific issue where cells in a group are deleted.
853638Fixed issue with VBA runtime error after modifying nested reference attached.
898105Memory leak occurs with VBA method RaySolidIntersection
467398Reduced the time for MicroStation to switch to the Backstage.
759657Resolved issue with the Measure Area by flood and by element return different results on grouped hole.
898546Resolved issue with creating a new file using seed.dwg file, insert object after closing and reopening file  three times user gets ”this OLE object was inserted as a static picture. It cannot be activated”