Turn off access to Online Help Documentation in MicroStation CONNECT Edition

 Area:Documentation & Help


With the release of MicroStation CONNECT Edition (Update 5) the link to the Help Documentation has gone into the cloud and is, by default, opening a web page from the Bentley website.

Depending on the speed of your connection, it can take a long time to access the Online Help Documentation via Bentley's website.

Is there a method of accessing the documentation from the local drive?


This capability can be turned off under the Workspace Preferences in the menu:

> File > Settings > User > Preferences


Due to issues with the operation and access to the Online Help Documentation clicking on the help or '?' icon will open the local Help Documentation only. This change was implemented in Update 10 and goes to the local documentation whether this preference is on or off. It is expected to be changed back in a future release.

See also

Bentley Product Documentation - Online

Other language sources




 Original Author:Andrew Bell