How to remove unused fonts from a design file

Product:  MicroStation
Version:  CONNECT, 2023, 2024
Environment:  N\A
Area:  Text
Subarea:  General


When opening a file in MicroStation, a message appears in the Message Center:

File *****.dgn could not find TrueType font [ FONT NAME ], Replaced missing TrueType font [ FONT NAME ] with [ FONT NAME ]

However, the Font is no longer used in the design file by any Text, Text Style, etc. How can this Font be removed from the file so the message no longer appears?



In MicroStation CONNECT Edition or MicroStation 2023/2024, open the Key-in dialog ( Drawing > Home > Primary > Key-In ).

Enter the Key-in delete unused fonts [FONT NAME]. In the below example, we have entered delete unused fonts GillSans to remove the Gillsans font.


The Message Center will report if the Font was removed successfully:


See also

Missing Fonts - Knowledge Base Article

Other language sources