How can I edit the "Variables" in Parametric Cells

 Subarea:Parametric Cells


In the examples cell library, "MetroStation.cel" library,  the options of Variation are Large, Small and Wide. How do I make it to change to a key-in tab so that I can enter a numeric value of my choice.

Steps to Accomplish

  1. Attach MetroStation.cel,

2. Unshared Cell Library.

3. Select cell named "Sink", right-click on mouse button and select "Open for Editing"

       4. Go to "Constraints" > Variables

5. In the "Local Variables" tab, select option: "Sink_W" and in its Properties tab, under the Varible Definition,  in the Display option, change "Hidden' to "Visible"

6. Do likewise for other options : "Sink_D' and "Sink_H"

7. Lastly, selecting the cell named “Sink”, perform an Update Cell Definition with a right click mouse button.

See also

Other language sources


 Original Author:Judy Wong