Dimensions scaled when placed

 Version:XM, V8i, V8i SELECTseries, CONNECT Edition
 Subarea:Dim Styles

Problem Description

When placing Dimensions in a view, the dimension is placed as scaled (either too large or too small). Annotation scale is not turned on or set when placing dimension. See image 1 below showing dimesion (both dimension text and terminators appear scaled, dimension text in this case should be 20 mm)

Steps to Resolve

  1. Dimension has been placed at full size (1:1), and Annotation scale option turned off but it still appears scaled
  2. Open Dimension Styles dialog from menu Element > Dimension Styles
  3. Go to the Advanced tab  and expand the options: General > Placement
  4. Double click on the Annotation Scale option and change this back to 1 (see image 2 and 3)
  5. Check that the Dimension in the view is scaled correctly


Image 1


Image 2


Image 3

See also

Other language sources

 Original Author:Conor King