Using MicroStation in Azure Windows Virtual Desktop

Version(s):CONNECT Edition

Disclaimer: This virtualization application is provided by Microsoft. It has not been certified with MicroStation however can provide a means to run a virtualize environment using the Azure cloud..

Important notice about use of Bentley applications in virtual environments - click here

Virtual Machines

A Virtual Machine is an emulation of a physical computer that uses physical hardware resources like CPU, memory and storage of another computer or server machine. VMs enable users to create multiple operating systems with different configurations on their own computer hardware, as well as for IT Administrators to provision VMs on central, high-end server machines that are situated in their office premise. Azure Virtual Desktop takes it one step further and enables IT Administrators to deliver VMs on cloud computers, which gives the flexibility to quickly scale up/down and out/in as per the computing demands of the users.

Remote Login

To log in from your physical computer to a virtual computer, you need a tool like Remote Desktop Connection provided by Windows. There are other remoting tools like TeamViewer. To learn more about remoting tools, read this article.

Windows Virtual Desktop is a comprehensive desktop and app virtualization service running in the cloud. It is the only virtual desktop infrastructure (VDI) that delivers simplified management, multi-session Windows 10. Support for Remote Desktop Services (RDS) environments.


For more info :

Setup Organization IT workflow:

Documentation and Tutorial:

Learning and documentation is divided in the following 7 sections:


Steps to Setup Lab & Manage VMs"

Adding Lab:

Adding Access to Lab

Creating/Deleting VMs:

1. Once you create Lab and Resource group, select lab from Devops section click on * star to add lab to Azure Dashboard.

2. From List of Labs, select appropriate lab under which you like to create VM.

3. Open Labs Overview Page.

4. Click on +Add key to add VM under lab.

5. It will popup list of available OS (operating system) and database image.

6. Choose appropriate image to create VM .

7. Add appropriate information, VM name, username/password, disk and size, OS disk type.

8. Click on Create button. Automatically VM will get created as per set setting.

9. On Advance tab, more settings can be set as per requirement for Auto delete VM, IP address, number of instances and so on

Adding VM on Domain:

1. Launch VM

2. From Control Panel>Systems

3. VM Name can be changed and VM can be added to domain

See Also

For more details on Resize OS disk size, attach disk, detach disk and so on please refer following links :

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