How to Link a Word Document to DGN file



What is the best methods for linking a MS Word document in my DGN file?


Go to the Utilities Tab on Top of Ribbon, Select the OLE Tool from the Utilities Tool Box.

Select to Insert Object

In this box now Select “Create from File”, Browse to the desired Word Document, Check On “Link”, Select OK.
You may also Select to Create a New File. In that case Select what type file

Select the Method you want to place the Object - “By Corners or By Size”.
Do you want Transparent Background and/or Rotate with View?

The Document will be placed in your DGN. This is linked to the existing Word Document.

If you wish to edit the Document, Double Click on the Document in MicroStation this will Open the Document in Word. Make your Edits and Save the Word Document. MicroStation will Automatically Update the Document.

See also

Other language sources


 Original Author:Todd Moser