Complex Shapes created using LineStyles results in Smart Solid of Line Style 0 when saved to DWG

 Version(s):CONNECT Edition


Having created a Complex Shape from Lines and Fillets using Line Style (Dashed) in a 3D file. When saved to DWG the Complex Shape now displays as style '0' and becones a Smart Solid.

DGN                                                                                                                       DWG



This is controlled by the DWG Save Option for 3D Unfilled Elements

1. In the DGN go to File > Save As

2. Select Autodesk(R) DWG Files (*.dwg) as the Save As Type

3. Select 'Options' to open the Save As DWG/DXF Options dialog

4. Expand the Entity Mapping > 3D Unfilled Elements and select 'Complex Shapes'

5. Change the Complex Shape value to 'Polyline'


6. Select OK and Save the DWG with name and location required.



See Also


Shapes created by the Place Block command results in 3D Face elements in AutoCAD

How to store DWG settings that will be used on a number of files