Issue Number | Description |
1017259 | Resolved crash when opening specific DWG file. |
1101581 | Fixed an issue with selected Placement Point when attaching Item Types |
1078864 | Fixed issue with DWG created with Civil 3D loses the DWG Custom Object Properties after publishing to i model in MicroStation. |
1106775 | Resolved issue with CONNECT Advisor open, exiting MicroStation it hangs and CONNECT Advisor does not close. |
1071037 | Table imported from Excel shows broken grid lines |
1071038 | Table imported from Excel imports only one text height |
1085576 | Rfixed rows and columns locks are not working. |
937783 | Fixed issue with Table that is not placed with respect to the Selected Seed formatting |
1094273 | Resolved issue with imported Saved View Doesn't Contain Level State |
914377 | Place Point tools not displaying dynamically in views during placement |
1082616 | Resolved issue with specific file causing a crash |
1093028 | Fixed issue with specific Place Text causes a crash |
1041639 | Resolved issue with some custom toolboxes are missing icons |
1096362 | Fixed item with the Set Active command needs to run twice when working with the second template item. |
1103590 | Cannot remove modified Item Type from Element Template |
1103809 | Item Type properties missing when assigned to Element Templates |
114234 | A particular glyph from from font 95 appearing incorrect. |
1026634 | Fixed issue with Copy & Paste Text In Editor Alters Stacked Fractions |
893949 | Resolved issue with text where you are unable to make changes of Text Justification in Properties dialog box in CONNECT Edition |
1092589 | Resolved issue with Filled Complex Shapes are not highlighted / select when moving cursor over fill even with 'Locate Interiors' preference switch enabled. |
1063826 | Fixed issue with SmartSurface is transformed |
1110847 | Fixed Tool Settings: State of Parametric toggle for Solid by Extrusion and Solid by Revolution tools is stored in DGN file settings, it should be stored in User Preferences |
1067070 | Fixed issue with ‘Use Active Attributes’ option ignores active linestyle, transparency and element template while creating a solid. |
977871 | Save Multiple Image Dialog shows the Light setup as not found , when we choose a file having multiple models |
1066029 | Create Region lead resulted figure missing. |
1102173 | Fixed issue with Elements' edges are not being displayed in illustration |
1075591 | Fixed issue with revolved spherical element does not display with QV shaded mode. |
918931 | Export 2D files into 3D, even defining fixed Z to 0.000, all tags gets into a huge Z value in specific file |
1103598 | Fixed issue with not able to create HTML file |
1010134 | Resolved issue with Trim to Intersection tool doesn't work with overlapping lines |
1076389 | Fixed issue with specific crash when using SmartMatch |
1099660 | Element missing after Copy Fence Contents in specific file |
1090927 | "OLEcntr" is not get loading. Paste as Linking , Embedding and Picture options are missing in "Paste Special" dialog box. |
1097166 | Paste OLE Object dialog not appearing when pasting from Excel |
1099114 | Unable to edit embedded Excel files in specific file |
882255 | Change Element Extended key-in not opening Change Attributes tool correctly |
720019 | 3D Coincident Constraint does not work correctly when two circles are tried to coincide on each end of Line |
1055635 | "Element is over constrained" message displays when trying to add Distance or Angle dimension to attached profile. |
1104733 | The Japanese level names are not displayed entirely in it's entirety |
1095644 | Resolved issue with editing a text element in DWG work mode changes the text elements level to 0 |
1094573 | Resolved issue with specific file when importing .lvl file crashes MicroStation |
1097299 | Fixed issue with ACIS file units conversion showing incorrect when file open in AutoCad |
1098402 | Opening a specific RFA file crashes |
1078477 | Fixed issue with specific file when importing a JT file results in acrash |
1085707 | Fixed issue with Elements that are missing when we Import specific JT file |
1095437 | Resolved a crash with specific IFC file attached. |
277423 | Resololved issue with U3D created with MS CONNECT is 10 x larger |
1092799 | Fixed crash when opening 3DM Rhino file |
1107132 | Resolved issue with specific case where Construct Minimum Distance Line tool placed at incorrect location and distance |
971453 | Fixed issue with Create cells dialog, the left and right arrows do not work if you need to move in the Name field to correct a typo. up and down arrow work ok |
1090363 | Resolved issue with DWG Command Aliases did not work |
1089355 | Fixed specific file crash |
1077890 | Fixed specific file crash |
1085669 | Fixed issue with crash opening password protected file in specific scenario |
1085947 | Fixed issue with specific file where user receives error with trying to open DGN file: "Error opening file ... = (0x13022)" |
964501 | Resolved issue with opening a specific file |
1079066 | Fixed issue with dropping linestyle causes performance in file to degrade and in some instance causes MicroStation to crash |
1079180 | Fixed issue with LIN files crash Line Style Settings Dialog |
1095161 | Resolved issue with Snap doesn't work correctly with layer priority set |
1106661 | Resolved issue with Custom Linestyle Scale Factor behaviour for SmartMatch |
1073627 | Resolved issue with trying to assign the character "*" as string to an dimension primary text raises an unknown runtime error |
1093414 | Updated the Help Doc to state that the variable MS_TASKNAVIGATION_CONFIGURATION is not required to be set if using the V8i task Theme |
683871 | Fixed and issue with the properties dialog in which drawing type cannot be changed |
1072879 | Fixed and issue where Dimensions are found to move away from original position specific file. |
988081 | Fixed issue with applying ‘Change Dimension’ tool on Note which having multiple leader lines changing only first leader line properties. |
1105699 | Resolved issue with Section callouts do not transfer to DWG |
1070623 | Fixed an issue with MicroStation that cannot convert a DGN (with Drawing+Sheet model) to One single DWG |
1071797 | Resolved issue with specific file where it is unable to save this dgn as DWG |
1071815 | Fixed issue with specific file that the Cell rotates when saved as DWG |
1072533 | When we export DGN file to DWG file the callout symbols are getting disappeared. |
1080169 | Fixed an issue where a hang is experienced when exporting to DWG in specific file |
1099207 | Fixed a crash when changing the name of an Item Types from Capital letter to small letters and saving changes |
1096699 | PickList value is not updated for certain case |
1077744 | Improved performance with Large PickList deteriorates performance of MicroStation |
1100515 | Error when using Item Types with a Lookup expression from Excel File column having a formula |
1096234 | The url combo box should not be set empty when it gets focus and an url string exists in the wmts client dialog. |
853643 | Fixed file specific issue where MicroStation hangs on selection of Extract Faces / Edges tool |
816920 | Resolved issue with Intergraph TIFF image LZW Compression crash |
1095869 | Fixed a crash while attaching attached WMTS file using Raster dialog box. |
1097774 | Fixed issue with URL that contains character ? is not understood |
1081216 | Save settings not working on specific DWG file |
343708 | [Regression] [From SS4] - non-displayed tags do not show up in Properties dialog |
869064 | Fixed issue with ‘Group Hole’ element ‘Properties’ are not showing elements structure |
1078434 | Resolved issue with Unhandled Exception clicking the custom element templates |
1079891 | Resovled crash with managed C# property ElementPropertiesGetter.Thickness |
1108605 | Corrections to ntTools macro needed in winntmdl.mki |
1014095 | Improved Attach Multiple Items performance |
1097390 | Fixed crash on exporting report definition to csv |
1104232 | Resolved an issue with assigning an object to an Element in VBA does not free memory during the MicroStation session |
1087627 | Fixed issue with Explorer Right click menu for Rendering and Environment setups incorrect |
1085926 | Resolved issue with importing CSV to variables dialog producing undesirable results for " ( Inches ) |
1081349 | Fixed issue with exporting variables to CSV producing undesirable results for " ( Inches ) |
1051932 | Fixed issue with specific file where Shape's Centroid is not measured correctly |
1087925 | Resolved issue with VBA method .RemoveElement applied to invalid element raises program crash |
1090333 | Resolved issue with VBA method Models.Copy can only create one copy from template model, all subsequent created copies are empty |
983288 | Fixed issue with Faro files cannot be imported |
969723 | Fixed issue with create mesh from points gives different results with specific file |