Translating a DGN file that has an Batten linestyle placed

 Applies To 
 Version(s):V8,XM, V8i, CONNECT
 Environment: N\A
 Area: DWG
 Subarea: Save
 Original Author:Bentley Technical Support Group


When translating a DGN file that has an Batten linestyle and convert
this to DWG (without a CSV) the Batten linestyle is not visible when
opening the DWG file in Voloview or AutoCad

Product: MicroStation V8 2004 Edition
Area: DWG-Save


When MicroStation created the linestyle in the DWG file it also wrote a
shape definition in a file named dgnlstyle.shx. The shape definition is
used to display the line style.
You should be able to move the dgnlstyle.shx file to your VoloView fonts
or AutoCAD LT fonts directory and see the line style.