Save to different DWG version

 Version:V8 2004, XM, V8i, CONNECT

When saving a file to DWG how can the file be saved to a different version of DWG?


When saving a file to DWG it may be desirable to save to a different version (for example a 2004 DWG file) as it may be a requirement of a vendor/supplier to view the file in an older DWG format

Steps to Accomplish

  1. Go to the menu File > Save As...
  2. In the Save As dialog, change the 'Save as type' drop down to Autodesk(R) DWG Files (*.dwg)
  3. Click on the Options button at the bottom right of dialog
  4. Select the General Tab of the Save As DWG/DXF Options dialog
  5. Expand the Basic heading as shown in Image 1
  6. Beside 'DWG Version', left click on the value shown - see image 2
  7. Select the desired version from the pop up list (e.g. 2004/2005/2006) - see image 3
  8. Click on OK to close Save As DWG/DXF Options
  9. Save the file to DWG

Image 1 - Basic heading in General tab of DWG options

Image 2 - Left click on Value field

Image 3 - Select DWG version

See also

Other language sources


 Original Author:Conor King