How to disable the use of True Type Font, USTN Fonts and/or SHX Fonts in V8

 Applies To 
 Version(s):08.11.09.XXX, 10.XX.XX.XX
 Environment: N\A
 Area: Text
 Subarea: N\A
 Original Author:Bentley Technical Support


How to disable the use of True Type Fonts, USTN Fonts and/or SHX Fonts in V8
Version: 08.11.09.XXX, 10.XX.XX.XX
Product: MicroStation
Area: Font


In workmode.cfg you can find a list of settings.


You should make changes with these settings at the standards, project, or user configuration level.

For example, you can any of the following to your PCF:


This will remove the TT fonts, USTN fonts, and SHX fonts, respectively, in the fonts list.

See Also