What does the tabschemes.csv (home \ prefs) do in MicroStation

 Applies To 
 Environment: N\A
 Area: Text
 Subarea: Word Processor
 Original Author:Bentley Technical Support


What does the tabschemes.csv (home\prefs) do in MicroStation


The tabschemes.csv gets generated with the word processor and uses the _USTN_HOMEPREFS configuration for its
location when generated.

Users can save and retrieve tab schemes.

To save a scheme:
1. Start the Place Text Tool
2. Set desired indents and tabs
3. Right Click on the tab ruler
4. Choose the 'Save Scheme' option from the pop up menu
5. In the Save Scheme dialog box, input desired name of scheme and press ok.

To retrieve a scheme:
1. Right click on Tab Ruler
2. Choose the 'Tab Schemes' option
3. Select desired scheme to retrieve
4. Press the ok button

To delete a scheme:
1. Right click on TabRuler
2. Choose the 'Tab Schemes' option
3. Select scheme to delete
4. Hit the delete key

See Also