Resolved issues in MicroStation CONNECT Edition Update 15 (


The MicroStation CONNECT Edition Team examined and resolved many issues across multiple areas for MicroStation CONNECT Edition Update 15.2. 

1113932Improved performance when unrasterized print in MicroStation Connect Edition takes extended time when WMS is attached to a reference file
1061562Resolved issue with error has occurred when saving specific dgn to dwg.
1111914Resolved issue with  Mtext wrapping issue that  resulted in (%%D) displayed incorrectly
1116011Fixed issue when text clears from a cell that results in the entire cell graphics disappear in specific file
1119957Resolved issue with  Chinese tag text are changed after modification
1122452Fixed issue with specific DWG pattern not displayed when opened.
1102964Fixed issue with Leader arrowheads disappearing from specific file.
1121958Fixed issue with redefining file name is not refresh in all referenced model in specific file
1108696Resolved issue with specific file exits when attaching specific reference files
1120008Fixed issue with Is Array turns True after upgrading Tag Sets
1068493Fixed issue with specific MicroStation crash with specific signed MVBA
1077875Resolved issue with specifit tags disappearing when you edit tags in specific file
1095465Resolved issue with Tags do not display after edit tags in specific files.
1114924Resolved issue with restore "total" row in Reports' aggregates and sums
1114726Fixed issue with Windows Explorer  not showing DGN preview.
1114775Fixed crash when on opening DGNLIB which is assigned to MS_DGNLIBLIST_ITEMTYPES
1108734Resolved issue with Annotation scale in Layout (Sheet) not applied in DWG Workmode
1108872Fixed issue with Wipeout of Reference data ignored in DWG workmode
1114463Fixed issue with underscore at beginning of Level name not displaying in Attributes tool group
1021257Resolved issue with opening specific file causes crash

Resolved issue with specific file that could not package single i.dgn file


Added support for sketchup 2020 format