VBA - Programming - MicroStation
Automatic execution when opening or closing drawings
Automatic Subroutine Loading
Automatically generate plots with VBA
Avoiding Inaccuracies in VBA Methods - .FacetSolidAsShapes for SmartSolids
Bring All Text to a New Level with VBA
Browsing References for Specific Items
Calculating the range of Rotated Cells
Changing Colors of Levels in VBA
Changing display priority for references
Changing Element Colors from RGB to Indexed Color
Changing Layer Colors from RGB to an Indexed Color
Changing the Alignment of All Texts with VBA
Changing the display order of elements
Changing the presentation order of Layers
Changing the Transparency Settings of Levels with VBA
Cleaning Property Data with VBA
COM Server error
Create Engineering (HTML) Links in VBA
Creating Coordinates as Latitude and Longitude using VBA Lines
Creating VBA Levels - 'Level name is duplicate'
Deleting Lines of Length 0 Using VBA
Errors Attempting to Load VBA Projects
Errors while attempting to load VBA
Exporting the RGB Values of the Color Table to a Text File in VBA
Forms in an .mvba do not open some pc's
How to read the RGB values of the Attached Color Table
Keyin to load the VBA Project Manager in MicroStation Connect
Leaving a VBA Tools Dialog Box Open
Linking to VBA Elements with User Attributes
New Text Font Cannot be Assigned
Placing annotation cells with VBA
Print Organizer Control with VBA
Printing all Sheet Models to PDF Using VBA
Reading the Length of All Arcs
Removing All Object Data from Selected Cells in VBA
Replacing Points with Circles Using VBA
Replacing Text with VBA - Part 1: Introduction
Replacing Text with VBA - Part 2: Complex Structures
Running a VBA Routine by Keyin
Searching and Evaluating Data in a drawing with VBA
Searching and Selecting Text Fields with VBA
Updating sequence control with VBA
Using a VBA Macro
Using the VBA object PropertyHandler to change the Element Information
VBA - Interface Error: 0x80040502
VBA Error in Execution: Project or Library Not Found
What are these "Default.mvba" files?