VBA Error - Class not registered

 Version:V8i, CONNECT

Problem Description

The following error continues to be reported when starting MicroStation and associated Bentley Companion Products like Aecosim Building Designer, Geopak, Inroads etc.

VBA Error:
Class not registered.
Looking for object with CLSID:{AC9F2F90-E877-11CE-9F68-00AA00574A4F} (Find objects with the following CLSID)


Solution 1 :

This problem is caused by the fm20.dll module being incorrectly registered by Windows.

This problem occurred during the installation process when Microsoft allowed multiple programs to modify the registration information of VB\VBA dll.

First, find the existence of the fm20.dll file. According to the OS version or the number of bits, it will be placed in a different path.

For 32-bit systems: C:\Windows\System32\

 a. Click the Start button
 b. Right-click, use the administrator authority to call up the command prompt window
 c. Enter Regsvr32 fm20.dll, press Enter to confirm

In the case of a 64-bit system: C:\Windows\SysWOW64\

 a. Click the Start button
 b. Right-click, use the administrator authority to call up the command prompt window
 c. Enter cd C:\Windows\SysWOW64\, execute
 d. Enter Regsvr32 fm20.dll, press Enter to confirm

After confirming by pressing Enter, the following message will appear:

DllRegisterServer in c:\windows\system\fm20.dll succeeded.

This means that Fm20.dll has been correctly registered successfully.

Solution 2 :

For some Users, reinstalling the VBA components fixed the issue

V8i - Install/Repair following components Or the full Prerequisites for Bentley Desktop Applications package

Connect - Install/Repair following components or perform a full installation through a Deployment Image

See Also

MVBA Troubleshooting

Other language sources

 Original Author:Andrew Bell