Some Arabic text characters are missing in Connect



Some Arabic text characters are missing in Connect

User is using RSC font AGUIDE and some Arabic characters are missing in Connect. Display in V8i is correct.


Steps to follow to fix this issue

1. Set System Locale to English (United States)


2. Open any text editor “e.g. Notepad++” as Administrator

3. Open file “MstnFontConfig.xml” from the following location
    C:\Program Files\Bentley\MicroStation CONNECT Edition\MicroStation\Default\Fonts\

4. Search for following lines

5. Add these lines before the above

6. Sample is attached for reference which you can copy to folder
    C:\Program Files\Bentley\MicroStation CONNECT Edition\MicroStation\Default\Fonts\

7. Re-open MicroStation Connect and check the Arabic character display for AGUIDE font.


See Also

Arabic characters overlap in View display

Arabic Text Displays Backwards

 Original Author:Leonard Jones