Resolved issues in MicroStation CONNECT Edition Update 16.1 (


The MicroStation CONNECT Edition Team examined and resolved many issues across multiple areas for MicroStation CONNECT Edition Update 16.1:

656142Resolved issue with specific file where clipped raster is not displaying
656212Fixed issue with the display of specific attached files in Raster Manager disappearing when reopening the file.
658992Fixed issue with Workspace configuration not loaded when changing workspace during session
660159Resolved issue with parsing from unique WMS server.
660178Improved performance with Raster Manager and Bing Maps.
659885Fixed an issue with WMTS map editor is giving an error when trying to connect to a specific User Server url.
659894Corrected WMS display issue on unique user dataset.
659530Resolved issue with specific case where user was not able to attach bing map.
659543Fixed WMS Server, error parsing capabilities response.
661623Improved performance loading of ECW images.
661686Resolved Slow Raster Manager ECW attachment in specific file.
661566Resolved error in specific case where Bing Maps Background Unavailable - 7060 Error
668721Resolved issue with Background Map crash when user uses "Use System Proxy Settings".
670335Fixed issue with specific file where they are not able to load DGN with WMS
659354Resolved issue  with a Recorded Bentley Macro Recorder crashing on specific macro  editing or trying to execute.
658724Resolved issue with Macros Dialog  not listing password protected VBA projects.
655775Resolved issue with VBA TextNode property LineSpacing returns a value scaled with UOR instead of working units
654988Fixed issue with the VBA method fence.GetContents() does no longer provide correct results for Curves and BSpline Curves
654350Resolved issue with VBA property Element.ModelReference.Name returns incorrect string if file opened with OpenDesignFileForProgram
654540Resolved issue with VBA method CreateCellElement2 to place a cell from library omits ItemType properties attached to cell model
654275Fixed issue with MS_MACRONEWFILEDIRECTORY is pointing to a non existing location, a crash occurs with trying to save recording to bmr file
654276Resolved a crash that occurs if recording a VBA to a specific location, which is not accessible to the user
653551With VBA retrieving Dimensionstyle from element is raising a crash, if text font is automatically replaced due to missing rsc file
655225Resolved an crash when applying a Saved View filter in specific file
655351Resolved a crash after selecting named boundaries tool with specific dgn.
655607Modifying Drawing Name value to match another existing one causes the Drawing Identifier value to be out of sync between Drawing Title and Properties dialog
661539]Color in Properties for filled shape shows as ' Varies Across ' - The Fill Color is not separated in the Color property as with previous versions
658523The status of resizable/sortable columns in list boxes is automatically saved to user preference, the sort marker is showing wrong direction
660377With large databases issues parsing table names using the function mdlDB_describeDatabase()
657696Fixed crash with DGNLIB consisted of cell index attached, when placing a new cell index
657227Resolved issue with blinking in elements is seen when doing RMB ->Level Off in Multi-selection mode.
657284Fixed issue with Level color is not preserved in dgnfile, when  it is modified for nested dwg reference from level manager dialog after Save As/Save Settings
658041Fixed issue with specific .cel library files are crashing when opened in MicroStation
658532Added Help documentation for Find and Replace Text Key-in amendment
658503Resolved issue where adding Main toolbox would disappear after restarting in specific user case.
655222Resolved a issue with generated level numbers are unique
661617Resolved crash when editing a group of Item Type values through Properties dialog
654642Corrected issue with specific file where insert fields area for Shapes in the file shows 0 Sq.m.
654529Added addition settings and their descriptions to the Text Styles Dialog in the Spacing Tab
659910Resolved issue where Excel Import had some row heights that are not matching with Excel row heights
659911Fixed issue with Excel Import where some rows are showing excessive empty space at top of row after importing in specific file.
660222Fixed issue with VBA where assigning new rotation matrix to text element does not honor text origin as pivot point
658002Fixed issue with first time text is not getting placed with active color, when color is not defined in Text style in specific file
655806Resolved issue with VBA where reassign Dataregion to Textnode subelements causes runtime error
655731Fixed issue with Find and replace key-in is not working consistently in specific file
684616Fixed issue with Special Characters do not display correct character.
664833Resolved a Crash when editing Text placed with 'Swiss 721 Light BT'
661004Fixed issue with Chinese font does not displaying correctly in Word Processor
661017Resolved issue with the Arabic character display
661027Specific RSC file causes crash when placed in MS_SYMBRSRC or MS_FONTPATH file pathway
661036Resolved issue with adding words to dictionary when running spell checker that would cause MicroStation to freeze
661045Resolved issue with a Users specific font resource file that would cause a crash 
661098Help page updated for Enter Data Fields
661115Resolved issue with the Edit, then Place Text Active Angle 
661200Fixed issue where a user is unable to change case for the text placed inside the fence.
661271Fixed issue with Text Field custom defined Units not visible in Fields Editor
684799Resolved crash when using Solid Extrusion Along Path tool with Circular Profile in particular file
661461Resolved crash if you try to create Tube Feature (Extrude Along Path, Circular Profile) outside of SWA in specific file
653819Not able to select Multiple Solid for Cut Operation
659221Improved time to place parametric cell if edit variable value when placing.
698745Resolved a crash when selecting parametric cell to get property information in specific file
679307Fixed a crash when you place attached specific cell file.
656171Fixed issue with key frame, script and path animations not getting export to LumenRT correctly
657332The new level becomes 0 level after saving
658030Resolved specific crash with unique UPF
653637Resolved an issue where the text is not wrapping correctly in specific file
653520Fixed issue with Text spacing changes when saving DGN to DWG in specific file
654801Resolved issue to support "Multiple" DWG line spacing type
660394Fixed issue with Text contained in shared cell in DWG displaying incorrectly
660496Resolved issue with Saving DGN to DWG where Rasters are not saved in the same output folder
660351Fixed issue with external PDF attachments not displaying in DWG
657354Resolved issue with DWG Viewport Rotated when opened as Sheet Model in specific file
657371Fixed issue with specific DWG file causing a crash upon opening file
655214Fixed issue with Treat Attachments as Element for Manipulation toggle is not working correctly
655343Fixed issue with display elements in reference in preview when moving a cached drawing view not appearing correctly
654302Resolved issue where Tags are not visible and scaling in specific file
654307Reference Dialog Highlight Not Changed On Files After Display Is Toggled On / Off
654309Fixed issue with Reference file is lost when attached with relative path on in specific user scenario
654354Reference Merge into master file with patterns freezes MicroStation
658059Redo command is not working after using Edit Text tool
668891Reference attach a PDF with arabic text, causes a crash
660797Resolved issue where screen resolution is set to  2736 x 1824 and Snap is not working, black cursor crosshair is invisible
658228Resolve issue where Google Earth tools do not work. Google Earth Pro pushes updates to latest version 7.3.3 automatically and 32 bits does not synchronize anymore. 
658723Resolved issue where Angle filed in Accudraw not considering values in Radians/Gradians.
659006Resolved issue where users would report random automatic mouse click when placing line by dragging mouse
659882Fixed issue with Line Features that have a line-string Element Handler that resulted in a crash
653665Resolved issue where Dimensions dropped after working in v7 workmode in v8i
653613Fixed issue where Dimension text color not inherited when edited
653633Fixed issue DimensionText color not correct in specific file
654738Attaching SHP file to basemap.dgn gives error: Definition "Bentley.OgrECPlugin ECRepository Ref File Attachment Data Conversion" queries validation failed.
654719Resolved issue where MicroStation is stuck when using ‘Capture Google Earth Image’ tool
654987Fixed issue where User is not able to Access the Tools for Define Placement Tool in Geographic Tool Box
659273Resolved issue where Item type's Expression Builder wont start when V8i task theme is on
659884Fixed issue with Place Table from Excel command freezes on the Generating table pop up when placing a .xsls file
658196Resolved issue with MicroStation results in a crash after Changing display from Wireframe to illustration in specific file
656451Fixed issue when selecting an element with assigned material results in a crash in specific file
695792Fixed issue with Fence File Copy not working as filled shapes which are clipped in Sheet view are not copied to new file
654604Updated the Measure Distance Tool Setting Flatten Option to reflect GUI
653468Resolved issue when converting multiple .dgn files to .stp files via batch exportation process
655908Fixed issue with STEP Imports incomplete geometry and restored surfaces in specific file
656082Resolved a crash when import specific STEP file
656087Fixed issue in specific file where elements are missing from STEP files after import
656088STEP files not Import correctly if we import the file in new model of another file.
658201Resolved crash/hang while Importing given IGS files.
659389Resolved issue with clip reference area result doesn't match with without clip reference area result.
659393Fixed issue with Measure area tool by fence method does not show the result.
660269Fixed issue with File Copy not working as filled shapes which are clipped in Sheet view are not copied to new file.
658000Resolved issue where Explorer Links function continually navigates back to parent folder
654700Corrected documentation for Explorer Search Report
654673Resolved issue where a crash results with Item Types Import/Export in specific file
656045Resolved issue with IFC Open /Import that does not show IFC Site geometry [Surface]
656049Fixed issue with specific file that causes a hang on importing IFC file
656157Resolved issue with opening specific IFC file results in a crash.
657937Fixed issue with replacing cell (which doesn't have attached item), neither item is imported with cell nor item library propagate in item type manager
661659Resolved issue when replacing cell (which already have item), attached item properties doesn't get updated
661467Selection Type is not applicable with Filter of report during table placement
675635Fixed issue with opening specific .ifc file causes a crash
673670Fixed issue with Excel lookup is not working with "(*.xlsm) excel file format" when select as a Picklist source
684736Resolved issue with Point cloud conversion fails when selecting multiple files and setting Multiple Output to Yes
653515Resolved specific file that would result in a crash
655283Resolved a crash after error message while Save As with specific dgn
656106Resolved an issue when Shrinkwrap tool is used for high Level of Detail that resulted in a crash
656552Resolved issue with '-S' switch is not working without '-M' Switch
656454Fixed crash when opening a certain V7 file 
656470Resolved a hang on fit view when Xgraphic elements in a specific file that contains ACIS solids as subelements
657616Resolved issue with changing Color Table back to Default is not saving to DGN Files Previously Converted From V7 DGN
679130Resolved issue when opening a specific DGN file that resulted in a crash
658548Updated help for Imprint block states "to define the first point of the circle" rather than "to define the first point of the block"
654723Resolved issue where MicroStation shuts down when printing pdf with specific pltcfg driver properties
654883Fixed issue with Link to Google maps location does not display marker and location information
654748Resolved issue with specific file where a you are unable to produce 3D PDF from DGN file
654753Deliver new PDF.PLTCFG drivers for improved quality and performance settings

See also

Other language sources


 Original Author:Marco Salino