On the Use of the ShotCrete UDSM for Modelling Concrete

Application PLAXIS 2D
Version PLAXIS 2D 2016
Original Author R. Witasse
Date created 22 August 2016
Date modified 22 August 2016


The aim of the report is to evaluate the applicability of the recently developed shotcrete model by Schadlich & Schweiger (2014) for plain and reinforced concrete structures. We will very briefly explain how the model parameters must be set for dealing with plain and reinforced concrete structures. Then we will go through three different validation
exercises corresponding to respectively:

For each example, the model geometry and chosen material parameters will be provided and most relevant results will be commented and compared against experimental data.


For each example, numerical results have shown very good agreement against available experimental data which demonstrates the perfect applicability of the Shotcrete user-defined model for modelling the behaviour of 'mature' plain concrete and reinforced concrete under static loading in PLAXIS.
