How to change the gap between the extension line and the element?

 Version:V8, V8i, CONNECT Edition
 Subarea:Dim Styles


How to change the gap between the extension line and the element being dimensioned?


That can be adjusted with the Offset value for Extension Lines: Sets the distance, in text height units, between the start of the extension line and the element.
This applies to dimensions after they have been placed. Simply set this before the dimension is placed so that all dimensions use this value.

MicroStation V8 2004 Edition

1. Open the Dimension Style dialog box, select Extension Lines.
2. Change the offset value.
3. Select the Change Dimension tool.
4. Select the dimension to be changed > The dimension will update to the current style.

MicroStation V8i (Select Series):

1. Go to Element > Dimension Styles
2. On the Geometry tab > Extension Lines section > tick on Enable and change the Offset value

3. Select the Change Dimension tool.

4. Select the dimension to be changed > The dimension will update to the current style.

MicroStation CONNECT Edition:

1. Go to Drawing workflow > Annotate tab > Dimensioning tool group and click the little arrow on the right bottom corner of the tool group > Dimension Styles dialog opens

2. Follow the steps for MicroStation V8i starting from step number 2.

See Also

Other language sources

 Original Author:Bentley Technical Support Group