How to enable v8i keyboard shortcuts in CONNECT Edition

Product(s):MicroStation, MicroStation PowerDraft, Bentley View
Environment:Windows 10
Subarea:User Preferences

Problem Description

Using V8i application versions, I was able to use the keyboard shortcuts to access tools and process various commands.
For example, A1: opens Text Editor, Q2: place line, etc. 
How can I enable the same keyboard shortcuts for use in CONNECT Edition products?

Steps to Resolve

  1. Go to File>Settings>User>Preferences>Position Mapping
  2. Enable the box: Use Position Mapping
  3. Under Attribute & Primary change AS into TD
  4. Under Tasks & Ribbon change QWERTDFGZXCV into QWERASFGZXCVB
  5. Click OK, save settings (CTRL+f), and fully close/reopen the application for changes to propagate

See Also

CONNECT Edition - Using Position Mapping to get to tools really quickly

 Original Author:Bentley Technical Support