Error expanding variable MS_LIBRARY_PATH. Exiting



Error expanding variable MS_LIBRARY_PATH. Exiting

MicroStation - Text Window loads with a message "Error expanding variable MS_LIBRARY_PATH. Exiting." and closes MicroStation.

Other Bentley products may also display the following error.


In most cases, where User’s reported this error, the problem was with PATH (system environment variable) values not set up correctly.

Try and expand PATH variable, look for any formatting errors and/or special characters.

You can also export the PATH values to a text file and look for errors.
•  Open CMD. exe as an Administrator
•  Key-in “echo %PATH% > d:\path-values.txt


If you require help, contact support team and provide the PATH values and MSDEBUG of your workspace.

See Also

Create MSDEBUG file

Other Language Sources
