Enable Bing Maps to Attach as Raster

 Version:V8i SS4 and higher


How do I enable Bing Maps for use with MicroStation so I can attach live maps as raster images?


MicroStation v8i SS4 or higher


1. Visit the following link to get a Bing Maps Key from Microsoft and follow the instructions.
After following the steps, you should be able to access a menu similar to the one below found on Microsoft's Bing Maps Portal. Copy the MicroStation key to the clipboard with the Copy key button as shown.

2. Within MicroStation CONNECT, navigate to the Configuration Variables dialog (File>Settings>Configuration>Configuration Variables). Select New. Define the variable MS_RASTER_BINGMAP_KEY and paste the copied key from the previous step.

Press OK, then OK again, and press Yes to save changes. Now close and reopen MicroStation completely to ensure the changes are made.
You should now be able to attach a live feed of Bing Maps to your drawing as a raster image.

***Note: Beginning with MicroStation CONNECT Edition Update 7, a Bing Maps key is no longer required to attach Bing Maps as a raster image if you are signed into the CONNECTION Client. If you are not signed into the CONNECTION Client, then a Bing Maps key is required to access this functionality.***

Bing Map usage is subject to Microsoft's Terms of Use https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/maps/product. In particular, there are some restrictions on printing. For details, refer to the web page https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/maps/product/print-rights.

See also

Enable Bing Maps Background Map in View Attributes

New in MicroStation CONNECT Edition Update 7 – Bing Map Background Map



Other language sources


 Original Author:David Trejo-Rodriguez