Standards Checker not showing "Settings Name"

 Version:V8, XM, V8i, CONNECT


Standards Checker not showing "Settings Name". When creating a Settings name in the "Configure" dialog, it does not show when switching to the "Check" dialog.


It is not possible to use the created setting name in file where it was created.

The settings name should be created in the standards checker DGNLIB and not in the file where it is going to be used.


Used to define and store a collection of settings for a standards check.

You can access this dialog from the following:
  • Ribbon: Drawing > Analyze > Standards Checker > Configure

The collection of standards settings (named settings) are stored in the active file. Generally, you should store settings in a DGN library (DGNLib).

Settings NameLists the name for the collection of standards settings.
Create New Standard Checker SettingsOpens the Create Standards Checker Settings dialog, which lets you enter a name and description for the standards settings.
Delete Standards Checker SettingsRemoves the selected named settings from the active file.
Check LevelsIf on, the level standards check is selected. Clicking the Settings button opens the Level Checker Settings dialog, which lets you select the settings for this check.
Check Text StylesIf on, the text styles standards check is selected. Clicking the Settings button opens the Text Style Checker Settings dialog, which lets you select the settings for this check.
Check Dimension StylesIf on, the dimension styles standards check is selected. Clicking the Settings button opens the Dimension Style Checker Settings dialog, which lets you select the settings for this check.
Check Element TemplatesIf on, the element templates standards check is selected. Clicking the Settings button opens the Element Template Checker Settings dialog, which lets you select the settings for this check.
Check Line StylesIf on, the line styles standards check is selected. Clicking the Settings button opens the Line Style Checker Settings dialog, which lets you select the settings for this check.

See also

Delivered help documentation Using the Standards Checker

Other language sources


 Original Author:Bentley Technical Support Group