How to use command log files

Application PLAXIS 2D
Version PLAXIS 2D (all versions)
PLAXIS 3D (all versions)
Date created 25 December 2016
Date modified 29 January 2024

In PLAXIS most of the actions carried out using the Graphical User Interface (GUI) are translated into commands. All the commands executed in the project are displayed when the Model history tab is clicked on the command line.

A command log file is a text file containing a series of commands that can help create or re-create a PLAXIS model.

In order to run multiple commands, the Geotechnical SELECT Entitlements needs to be activated.
If you are uncertain about it, check the relevant section on "How to enable the Geotechnical SELECT Entitlements".

There are two options to run a PLAXIS command log file:

  1. Copy & Paste the commands directly to the Commands runner
  2. Open the command log file in the Commands runner

Option 1: Copy & Paste the commands to the Commands runner

  1. Navigate to Expert menu > Run commands
  2. Copy & paste the commands from the command log file directly into the Commands runner.
  3. Select Run everything.


Option 2: Open the command log file in the Commands runner

  1. Navigate to Expert menu > Run commands
  2. Select File > Open
  3. Navigate to the location of the command log file and select it.
    Note that the extension can be different, so adjust the visible files by switching to *.p2dxlog for PLAXIS 2D, *.p3dlog for PLAXIS 3D, *.log or *.txt extension.
  4. Select Run everything.



How to enable the Geotechnical SELECT Entitlements

Provided that you have an active SELECT subscription with Bentley (or Virtuosity), the Geotechnical SELECT Entitlements can be activated for free. This offers a wide range of features in PLAXIS, which are described in detailed in the article Geotechnical SELECT Entitlements [GSE] - Information.

Your local administrator can assist you in case you are uncertain about activating this license

To activate this license, follow the steps below.

  1. On Windows Start search for the keywords "Licensing configuration" and locate the relevant option for your installed PLAXIS version.
    For example, start typing "PLAXIS 2D 2024.2 Licensing configuration" for the PLAXIS 2D 2024.2 version.
    Via the Licence configuration window, you can click on the checkbox in front of the Geotechnical SELECT Entitlements to activate them.
  2. Click on Accept
    Note that if PLAXIS is already open, any change will be applied only after restarting all PLAXIS applications.




On the Bentley Communities, we have made command log files (*.log for PLAXIS 2D and PLAXIS 3D) available, e.g., Tutorial examples, Validation and Verification cases or our Practical Examples.

It is possible to download the command log files and run them from your computer.




Note: The Commands runner is a feature that requires the Geotechnical SELECT Entitlements to be activated.
Without this entitlement, you can open the command log file with any text editor, e.g., Notepad, and then execute the commands via the command line command-by-command.


See also

Starting PLAXIS    [Software and License]