How to create an SHX font from a MicroStation font

 Version:V8, XM, V8i, CONNECT


How to create an SHX font from a MicroStation font when saving to DWG? To create an SHX font from a design file that has MicroStation fonts,this can be accomplished in the Save As Options when saving to dwg.


Go to File > Save As > Select DWG as the file format, select the Options button located towards the bottom of the dialog.

In the Save As DWG/DXF Options dialog, select the General Tab & then locate "Fonts" listed in the sections below. Expand the Fonts section by clicking on the Plus sign, Toggle ON the option "Convert MicroStation fonts to AutoCad fonts and ensure the path for the Output directory is pointing to your desired location.

See Also

Other language sources

 Original Author:Bentley Technical Support Group