Google Earth Integration with MicroStation CONNECT Edition

 Subarea:Google Earth


When trying to synchronize Google Earth and capture Google Earth Image nothing appears to be happening.  No image is captured and there is no information brought into the DGN from Google earth.


MicroStation CONNECT Edition (also to include other Bentley CONNECT and older V8i Power products) are only certified to work with Google Earth Pro 32-bit versions.  It is possible that an upgrade to Google Earth Pro has occurred (either manually or via an auto-update) and it has been upgraded to the 64-bit version of the Google Earth software.  In order to synchronize Google Earth with the MicroStation CONNECT Edition (or other Bentley Power Products),so as to capture images,you will need to downgrade the Google earth program.

In October 2020, per the Google support policies, Google Earth Pro version 7.1.8 or later will be required.  Earlier versions of Google earth on desktop will no longer work as they will not connect to Google's servers.  This has caused many people to upgrade their Google Earth version, typically choosing the latest build available. Google Earth Pro 7.3.3 for Windows (64-bit).

For MicroStation CONNECT Edition, and other Bentley Power Products, in order to integrate our products with Google Earth, we recommend the 7.3.1 for Windows (32-bit) (or later).

Note, For our V8i Edition products, you will need to utilize the 7.1.8 for Windows Google Earth version.

You can find addition support information on downloading and updating Google Earth Pro from the Google Earth Help documents located here:

Also, as stated in the Help Documentation:

This tool works only with 32 bit Google Earth. 64 bit Google Earth is not supported for this tool.

Optional steps

If synchronization problems still occur after installing the specified version of Google Earth try the following steps

In this way all the local setting will be deleted and as soon as you restart google earth from MicroStation it will create the new profile setting again.

Solution #2

1.Uninstall Google Earth

2.Open Registry Editor

3.HKEY_CURRENT_USER/SOFTWARE/Google/ and here you should have a folder with the name Google Earth or Google Earth Pro or Google Earth Plus. Generally delete everything what is related to Google Earth.

Look at the screen below from my machine. I deleted both.

The existed folders depend on how many and what version you have installed on the computer.

4.Download the installation file for Google Earth v7.1.8.3036 here

5.Install the Google Earth 

6.Restart computer

7.Open Google Earth and close

8.Open test dgn with simple shape and georeferenced and use the tool Export Google Earth File

9.Observe if Google Earth opens

See also

Capture Google Earth Image

Other language sources

 Original Author:Andrew Bell