How can I change the key for opening Key-in instead of Enter key?

 Subarea:User Preferences

Problem Description

The user wants to change the key for opening Key-in instead of Enter key.

Steps to Resolve

1.1 Go to File -> Settings -> User -> Preferences -> Input -> Pressing Enter Shows Key-in Window

1.2 Turn off : "Pressing Enter Shows Key-in Window":

1.3 Then click: "OK"

2. Assigning a specific key to open: "Key-in"

2.1 Go to File -> Settings -> User -> Keyboard Shortcuts

2.2 Add a new keyboard shortcut (in the key column - assign a key (assign a key that is not assigned), and in the key-in column, type: "inputmanager cmdbrowse").

2.3 Then click: "Apply" and "Close"

See also

Keyboard Shortcuts Dialog

Other language sources


 Original Author:

Krzysztof Solski