Tunnel beams/girders generated in the wrong direction

ApplicationPLAXIS 3D
Issue status  Solved
First Affected VersionPLAXIS 3D CONNECT Edition V20 Update 4
Found in VersionPLAXIS 3D CONNECT Edition V20 Update 4
Fixed and Released in VersionPLAXIS 3D CONNECT Edition V21
Issue #499737
Date created07 December 2020
Date modified25 January 2021

Problem description

The design of tunnels usually involves the use of structural elements, including the reinforcements of the tunnel. In PLAXIS 3D's Tunnel Designer we can define girders (ribs, wailings etc.) along the perimeter or around the cross-section of a tunnel at slice boundaries, by assigning a beam to the line or polycurve between two adjacent segments in the Plane Properties.

Define girders / beams in Tunnel Designer's Plane

Unfortunately, in PLAXIS 3D CONNECT Edition V20 Update 4 (CE V20.04) when girder beams are assigned to arc segments of the tunnel cross-section, we see that the beam arcs are generated in the wrong direction when using the Generate Tunnel action, leading to incorrectly defined tunnel geometries:


We solved this issue in PLAXIS 3D CONNECT Edition V21 (released January 25). 

When these girders are needed in your design, please do not use PLAXIS 3D CONNECT Edition Update 4 (CE V20.04).