Application | PLAXIS 2D PLAXIS 3D |
Version | PLAXIS CONNECT Edition V22 |
Date created | 01 November 2013 |
Date modified | 24 January 2022 |
Original author | Micha van der Sloot |
For PLAXIS 2D or 3D CONNECT edition V22, in order to define a soil/rock material with a specific soil model directly via the command line or via remote scripting, you can use e.g.
soilmat "Identification" "Sand" "SoilModel" 2 "ERef" 2500
soilmat "Identification" "Sand" "SoilModel" "Mohr-Coulomb" "ERef" 2500
set Sand.SoilModel "Hardening Soil"
set Sand.SoilModel 3
setproperties Sand "SoilModel" "Hardening Soil" "EURRef" 3000
As can be seen in the commands above, the name of the soil model (e.g. Mohr-Coulomb) can be represented by a number or string. In the table below you can see the currently available soil models, their ID number to be used in the command line/remote scripting and the minimum defined parameters that are needed for a correct soil model definition that is accepted by the PLAXIS Input program.
For more information on how to define or edit a material via the command line, refer to the article How to define and edit a material via the command line.
Soil model name | ID | Minimum parameters to be correctly defined in the material to run a calculation |
Linear elastic | 1 | ERef |
Mohr-Coulomb | 2 | ERef, cRef or phi or cInc |
Hardening Soil | 3 | E50Ref, EURRef, cRef or phi or cInc |
HS small | 4 | E50Ref, EURRef, cRef or phi or cInc, gamma07, G0Ref |
Soft Soil | 5 | lambdaModified, kappaModified, cRef or phi |
Soft Soil Creep | 6 | lambdaModified, kappaModified, cRef or phi |
Jointed Rock | 7 | ET, EN, GNT, c1 or phi1 |
Modified Cam-Clay | 8 | lambda ( = lambdaModified * (1 + e) ), kappa ( = kappaModified * (1 + e) ), M for interface: CInter or PhiInter |
NGI-ADP | 9 | GURsUARation, sUARef, sUDSSsUARation |
Hoek-Brown | 10 | Erm, AbsSigmaCI, mi |
Sekiguchi-Ohta (Inviscid) (2D only) |
11 | lambdaModified, kappaModified for interface: CInter or PhiInter |
Sekiguchi-Ohta (Viscid) (2D only) |
12 | lambdaModified, kappaModified for interface: CInter or PhiInter |
Concrete | 13 | E28, phiMax |
UBC3D-PLM | 14 | kBeModified, kGeModified, kGpModified, phicv, sigT, N160 |
UDCAM-S | 15 | GMaxtauCRatio, tauCRef, tauDSStauCRatio |
User defined soil model | 100 | UserDLLName, UserModel for interface: EoedInter, CInter or PhiInter |
For more details, check the Command reference under the Help menu.