PLAXIS Soil model numbers in command line

Application PLAXIS 2D
Version PLAXIS CONNECT Edition V22
Date created 01 November 2013
Date modified 24 January 2022
Original author Micha van der Sloot

For PLAXIS 2D or 3D CONNECT edition V22, in order to define a soil/rock material with a specific soil model directly via the command line or via remote scripting, you can use e.g.

As can be seen in the commands above, the name of the soil model (e.g. Mohr-Coulomb) can be represented by a number or string. In the table below you can see the currently available soil models, their ID number to be used in the command line/remote scripting and the minimum defined parameters that are needed for a correct soil model definition that is accepted by the PLAXIS Input program.

For more information on how to define or edit a material via the command line, refer to the article How to define and edit a material via the command line.

Overview of the PLAXIS Soil/Rock model numbers in the command line
Soil model name ID Minimum parameters to be correctly defined in the material to run a calculation
Linear elastic 1 ERef
Mohr-Coulomb 2 ERef, cRef or phi or cInc
Hardening Soil 3 E50Ref, EURRef, cRef or phi or cInc
HS small 4 E50Ref, EURRef, cRef or phi or cInc, gamma07, G0Ref
Soft Soil 5 lambdaModified, kappaModified, cRef or phi
Soft Soil Creep 6 lambdaModified, kappaModified, cRef or phi
Jointed Rock 7 ET, EN, GNT, c1 or phi1
Modified Cam-Clay 8 lambda ( = lambdaModified * (1 + e) ),  kappa ( = kappaModified * (1 + e) ), M
for interface: CInter or PhiInter
NGI-ADP 9 GURsUARation, sUARef, sUDSSsUARation
Hoek-Brown 10 Erm, AbsSigmaCI, mi
Sekiguchi-Ohta (Inviscid)
(2D only)
11 lambdaModified, kappaModified
for interface: CInter or PhiInter
Sekiguchi-Ohta (Viscid)
(2D only)
12 lambdaModified, kappaModified
for interface: CInter or PhiInter
Concrete 13 E28, phiMax
UBC3D-PLM 14 kBeModified, kGeModified, kGpModified, phicv, sigT, N160
UDCAM-S 15 GMaxtauCRatio, tauCRef, tauDSStauCRatio
User defined soil model 100 UserDLLName, UserModel
for interface: EoedInter, CInter or PhiInter


For more details, check the Command reference under the Help menu.
