Output scripting example: get anchor force

ApplicationPLAXIS 2D
VersionPLAXIS 2D 2015
Date created29 April 2015
Date modified29 April 2015

In this example, we will use Tutorial Lesson 3 (Tied back excavation) [link] for the Plaxis file. In this case, we want to determine the force in the top anchor that is connected on the left retaining wall. This anchor is activated in Phase_3, and is connected with the wall at X = 40 m and Y = 27 m.

In order to retrieve this anchor force, we will use Output’s Remote Scripting environment with the Python wrapper:

# geometric data for correct anchor: 
Xanchor = 40.0 
Yanchor = 27.0  

# start from Phase_3 since the anchors are
# not active before this phase 
for phase in g_o.Phases[3:]: 
    anchorF = g_o.getresults(phase, 
    anchorX = g_o.getresults(phase, 
    anchorY = g_o.getresults(phase, 
    for x,y,N in zip(anchorX,anchorY,anchorF): 
        # check for the correct anchor by location: 
        if abs(x - Xanchor) < 1E-5 and abs(y - Yanchor) < 1E-5: 
            print("Anchor force N in {}: {:.2f} kN/m".format(phase.Name,N))

The result in the Python console would look similar to this:

  Response in Python console
Anchor force N in Phase_3: 500.00 kN/m 
Anchor force N in Phase_4: 544.18 kN/m 
Anchor force N in Phase_5: 468.12 kN/m 
Anchor force N in Phase_6: 460.47 kN/m 

See also