Material lists in PLAXIS – Python

ApplicationPLAXIS 2D
VersionCONNECT Edition V22
Date created29 March 2019
Date modified17 February 2022

In PLAXIS, all material datasets are stored in a single listable called Materials. This includes all soil material datasets, but also all material datasets for the structural datasets like plates, geogrids, beams and anchors.

With Python, when looping-over all material datasets, you might just want to get e.g. all plate material datasets. For this, we can use the property .TypeName to know what type of material it is.

Material set.TypeName value
Soil (2D/3D)SoilMat
Discontinuities (2D)DiscontinuityMat
Plates (2D/3D)PlateMat
Geogrids (2D/3D)GeogridMat
Beams (3D)BeamMat
Embedded Beams (2D/3D)EmbeddedBeamMat 
Anchors (2D/3D)AnchorMat

For example, you can use this to create a list of just plate materials in PLAXIS 2D

platematerials = [mat for mat in g_i.Materials[:] if mat.TypeName.value == 'PlateMat']