Requirements for MicroStation CONNECT Edition Installation


This text was made to give an overview of installation situations that might arise as you install MicroStation CONNECT Edition, particularly Update 6 or above.

Requirements CONNECT Edition

Run as Administrator
When installing the product it is recommended that you  always , run it as an administrator. One way to do it is to right click over the installation file and select Run as administrator
Usually, that will grant you access to install the entire application into your machine.
Internet download:
You need to have Internet access to install MicroStation CONNECT Edition.
Besides, all MicroStation CONNECT Edition versions after version update 5 have a small install file (around 2 MB) and all items are downloaded at installation time.
In this matter, if you have some filters in your firewall, you will need to free those two paths:
Payload Svc URL:
If you already have the site * as a filter, this will already be available.
One suggestion for those that have complex or very restricted internet access is to generate a deployment image and use it for large scale installations.
The wiki below explains how to generate it.
Proxy settings:
proxy or proxy server is basically another computer which serves as a hub (bridge) through which internet requests are processed. By connecting through one of these servers, your computer sends your requests to the proxy server which then processes your request and returns what you were wanting.
As you start to install MicroStation, the installation process will check internet access to download some of its components and pre-requisites. Depending upon how you access internet, you might see the screen below:
This screen means that your organization has a Proxy server to access internet.
So, you must enter an ID (user name) and password to get access internet. In many cases you might need to get help from your IT department to get this information.
Antivirus software:
There have been cases where the antivirus software blocks certain files of folders becoming impossible to install applications.
In that case, it would be necessary to disable the antivirus software prior to starting installation.
It might be necessary to contact your IT department to “free” or unblock the folders where MicroStation will be installed.
Knowledge base missing files error:
Knowledge base (KB) is usually a problem that was found on Windows and a patch or set of files were defined to fix it.
So, when you get the message with KBXXXXXXX it means that a Windows update is missing.
The most common is a message as you start install MicroStation Please install KB2999226 on your machine before initiating installation MicroStation”
In that case, it means that Windows Update is missing so some required files are missing. See link below for explanation:
Be aware for any other messages of KB files missing. We recommend that you download those KB files from Microsoft.
There is a message of a missing KB2803801 file. Even though the message states that there is a file missing, the problem in this case relies on Internet Access. So verify the above items Internet Download and Proxy Settings in order to fix this error.
One Drive Setting:
If you have an issue downloading and installing MicroStation check your One Drive setting.

Look to see if you have One Drive and if that is the default location for documents.  If so try changing it to be your local C:/drive and not One Drive.

See screen captures 1, 2, and 3.  

Right Click on Documents Folder, Properties, Location

See if One Drive location is being pointed to

Change folder to be C:/drive/Documents instead.

Now try installing the Product again.   Hopefully now will install.


See Also
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