Application | PLAXIS 2D |
Version | PLAXIS 2D |
Date created | 02 May 2011 |
Date modified | 02 May 2011 |
S-CLAY1S is an elasto-plastic model that account for initial and plastic strain induced anisotropy via a rotational hardening law. In addition, the model accounts for bonding and destructuration by using the concept of an intrinsic yield surface. By setting the model parameter controlling bonding to zero, S-CLAY1S reduces to S-CLAY1 model that accounts for anisotropy only, and furthermore, by setting the parameters related to anisotropy to zero, S-CLAY1S reduces to the isotropic Modified Cam Clay model. The values for the model parameters for S-CLAY1 and MCC models can be derived from conventional oedometer and triaxial shear tests (CU or D). In order to model bonding and destructuration with the S-CLAY1S model, an oedometer test on reconstituted sample is required together with a measure of the sensitivity.
For more information and to obtain the model please contact:
Prof. Dr. Minna Karstunen
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Chalmers University of Technology
Sven Hultins Gata 8
SE-412 96 Göteborg
Tel. +46 31 772 2144
Please note: This model is available as a user-defined soil model. However, Plaxis does not accept any responsibility when using this DLL. Hence, the user needs to validate results obtained from this model by him/herself. Plaxis does not provide support on the use of this model.