Hypoplastic model with inter-granular strain - PLAXIS UDSM

Application PLAXIS 2D
Version PLAXIS 2D
Date created 02 May 2011
Date modified 15 Sep 2020

Sand hypoplasticity is an advanced incrementally non-linear constitutive model, an outcome of extensive research at Karlsruhe University in 1990’s. It incorporates pressure- and density-dependency of soil behaviour. Its response has been validated using a number of single and finite element simulations of various geotechnical problems. When combined with the so-called intergranular strain concept, it is capable of predicting small strain stiffness degradation and cyclic loading effects.

The Hypoplastic model is available as a user-defined soil model Dynamic Link Library (DLL). This DLL can be obtained from and is supported by Plaxis. However, Plaxis does not accept any responsibility when using this DLL. Hence, the user needs to validate the results obtained from this model by him/herself.

With the release of PLAXIS 2D/3D CONNECT Edition V20 Update 1 (January 2020), the PLAXIS User Defined Soil models are delivered with the PLAXIS installation. When enabling the Geotechnical SELECT Entitlement [GSE] when starting the PLAXIS application, this model becomes available in the Parameters tab when selecting "User-defined" for the Material model.

For more information on Hypoplasticity:

RN Dr. David Masin, M.Phil. Ph.D.
Faculty of Science
Charles University
Albertov 6, 128 43 Prague 2
Czech Republic
Tel: +420-2-2195 1552
Fax: +420-2-2195 1556
e-mail: masin@natur.cuni.cz

PD Dr.-Ing.habil. P.-A. von Wolffersdorff
BAUGRUND DRESDEN Ingenieurgesellschaft mbH
Kleistkarree - Kleiststraße 10a
01129 Dresden
Tel: +49 (0) 351 8241 350
Fax: +49 (0) 351 8030 786
e-mail: wolffersdorff@baugrund-dresden.de



PLAXIS implementation of hypoplasticity  (2010, Dr. David Masin, M.Phil. Ph.D)


See also