MicroStation Virtualization FAQ


This FAQ is designed to cover the questions regarding running supported MicroStation versions in a certified Virtualized environment.

What is a Virtualized Environment?

This can mean a lot of different things and includes many technologies depending on the type of virtualization.  MicroStation was tested and certified to run on Citrix XenApp and XenDesktop.

Application Virtualization (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Application_virtualization)

The application is delivered from the server to the client at run-time (when the application is started from the client).  The application is not "installed" in the traditional sense, but the application will function as if it was.

What are the Benefits of running MicroStation in a virtualized environment? 

What Virtualized environments are certified to run supported MicroStation versions?

What versions of MicroStation are certified in a Virtualized environment?

Supported MicroStation versionMicroStation version #Virtualized environment compatibilityResources
MicroStation 202323.00.02.71Citrix XenApp 8.2 and 
Azure Virtual Desktop (Desktop Client)
MicroStation 202323.00.01.44

Citrix XenApp 8.2 and 
Azure Virtual Desktop (Desktop Client)

MicroStation 202323.00.00.108Citrix XenApp 8.2 and 
Azure Virtual Desktop (Desktop Client)
MicroStation CONNECT Edition Update 1710.17.02.61Citrix XenApp 8.2Readme
MicroStation CONNECT Edition Update 1710.17.01.62Citrix XenApp 8.2Readme
MicroStation CONNECT Edition Update 1710.17.01.58Citrix XenApp 8.2Readme
MicroStation CONNECT Edition Update 1710.17.00.209Citrix XenApp 8.2Readme
MicroStation CONNECT Edition Update 1610.16.03.11Citrix XenApp 7.2106Readme
MicroStation CONNECT Edition Update 1610.16.02.34Citrix XenApp 7.2106Readme

The versions of XenApp and MicroStation are also listed in the MicroStation Readme file. Always check the Readme file of your version of MicroStation to see what Citrix version of XenApp it's certified to run on. 

Are other Bentley applications tested and certified in a Virtualized environment?

For other applications, you may need to check with their responsible parties, to verify their certified environments. Usually, in their ReadMe files, you may find your answer.

Will older versions of MicroStation be certified to use Citrix?

No. Only currently supported versions of MicroStation are certified.  All other versions and environments are not certified. 

What about other Citrix versions and other Virtualization environments?

Citrix XenApp and Azure Virtual Desktop (Desktop Client) are the applications certified at this time, and the versions will depend upon the MicroStation version. See "What versions of MicroStation are certified in a Virtualized environment" above.  However, you should check from time to time for possible additions to certified environments.

What Server Operating System version is required?

This will depend upon the XenApp version. That needed to be defined by who will install Citrix environment in your corporation.

How do I get support setting up or configuring our Virtualized environment?

Installing, configuring, and optimizing performance is supported through the providers of the virtualized solution and/or your IT department. Bentley only certifies it's applications to run on their environment

What types of issues will Bentley investigate?

Issues that relate specifically to functionally within the certified environment.

How many MicroStation instances can connect to a Citrix Server?

The number of connections is based on the hardware requirements of Citrix.  Bentley has no guidance on how many connections can be made.

Can I use anonymous users? 

Anonymous users are not supported per the End User License Agreement. Also, you will need a unique ID for each user that will use MicroStation in your organization.

See also

Other language sources




 Original Author:Dan Abney