Polycurves to Polygons in PLAXIS 2D using Python

ApplicationPLAXIS 2D
VersionPLAXIS 2D 2018
Date created13 March 2019
Date modified25 May 2022

With improvements made in PLAXIS 2D CONNECT Edition Version 22.01 [release notes], it is now possible to directly import closed polycurves as polygons, as demonstrated here: Import your Leapfrog Geological Model into PLAXIS 2D.
The example demonstrated here is still useful to understand the data storage for Polycurves and Polygons.

Sometimes you have polycurves in a PLAXIS 2D model (e.g. after importing a DXF file) that are just the outlines of the desired shape. But typically, the intention is to have polygons instead of these polycurves, so you can assign soil materials to these areas.


This provided script will check for polycurves that can be made into polygons based on the following:

The script offers the user the possibility to generate these polygons and optionally delete the original polycurves.

Usage instructions for Python script

To use this Python script:

When you do not have access rights to add the script in this folder, alternatively, you can choose to use Expert menu > Run Python script > Open... to manually open and run the file.


The script is tested with PLAXIS 2D 2018.00 and PLAXIS 2D 2019.00 with Python 3.4 using a simple DXF geometry file.


See also