This article will guide the user through importing external files to the application to create a new map layer and manipulating the layer within the Spatial Module. Current import options include shp, dxf, obj, gpx, kml, kmz, and geojson file types.
Navigate to the Spatial Module, and ensure you are in the Map tab.
3. A pop-up window will then open, allowing the user select previously uploaded layers or add new layers. Click "Add New Layer" at the bottom of the window.
4. A layer upload window will open up after completing step 3. The user will then be able to name the layer, select the file from a local computer drive, and add the layer to a group if desired. If the data is time-stamped, the user can create a Layer Group to associate the data. Only the appropriate Layer will display on the map according to the date selected within the MapView profile.
Note: If a file is over 15MB, the file cannot be uploaded. If the file is too large, the file can be zipped to compress the file below 15MB for upload.
Click "Add" and "Save" after completing the above steps. The layer will now be available for selection and display within the Spatial Module. Selected layers have some visibility options that can be changed within the Spatial Map Profile.
If there are related layers with imagery from multiple points in time, you can create a Layer Group to associate these layers into one cohesive set. This will allow you to seamlessly sequence through time to quickly identify trends and correlations between layers and sensor data.
Click on the Profile Settings Panel gear icon and select the Layer Selection icon to the right of 'Layers'. Upload a new layer or select the pencil icon next to an existing layer.
Create a layer group by selecting a layer group name and entering the data time stamp. Click the pencil icon next to the newly created Layer Group to add another layer. Upload the file and enter the data time stamp. Repeat this for each data set to create a Layer Group.
Now that you have associated all the data within your data set, you can visualize the changes on the map. Use the Map Time Slider at the top of your map to navigate through time and view the related measurement data. Only the appropriate data layer will display on the map, according to the date selected for the MapView profile.
Click the gear icon in the Profile Options Panel to configure the Layer Display Settings.
There are three different data point Coloring Methods to choose between.
If the Color Threshold or Heat Map coloring method is selected, then the user can define a specific Metadata Metric to use for calculating feature color. You can also define the Metadata Metric trend to plot positive, negative, or absolute value increases.
Note: If there are more than 5 numeric Metadata Metrics available, you will have to scroll through the options to find your desired metric.
Hit the 'Save' button to save your selected Layers and plot on the map.