Geotechnical SELECT Entitlements [GSE] - Information

Within the Geotechnical SELECT Entitlements, many specific and extended features will become available. The special extensions are modular enhancements to PLAXIS software. Functionality part of Geotechnical SELECT is mainly focused on interoperability with other Seequent and Bentley Systems software (e.g., cloud services, CAD or ISM import), scripting and satellite tools based on scripting.


Geotechnical SELECT Entitlements require a separate license activation at the start of using the software. However, that license is provided free of charge to any account that has an active SELECT subscription for the period of that SELECT subscription, or a current Virtuoso practitioner license. Administrators can find the Geotechnical SELECT Entitlements license listed under "Global" entitlements on the Entitlement/License Management page:

Geotechnical Select Entitlements is listed under Global entitlements

Applications overview


For PLAXIS 2D and PLAXIS 3D CONNECT Edition V22, these features will be available through Geotechnical SELECT Entitlements, which can be activated when launching PLAXIS.

Geotechnical engineering

SoilTest and its Parameter optimization tool
Generate Stratigraphy from imported CPT Logs
PLAXIS Tunnel Designer
      Rock bolt and cable definition in tunnel designer
      Umbrella Arch definition in tunnel designer (PLAXIS 3D only)
      Tunnel splitting tool (PLAXIS 3D only)
      Define the excavation sequence in the Tunnel Designer (PLAXIS 3D only)
      Girder and Beam definition for tunnels (PLAXIS 3D only)
      Automatic Generation of staged construction phases for tunnels (PLAXIS 3D only)
Sensitivity analysis & Parameter variation (PLAXIS 2D only)
Site response analysis tool (PLAXIS 2D Ultimate) SIG Workshop: PLAXIS 2D Site response analysis


Remote Scripting API for PLAXIS Input, PLAXIS Output and PLAXIS SoilTest
Jupyter notebooks
Scripting Reference
Expert Menu with Command Runner
Macro creation for regular repetitive commands
Command line auto-complete
Calculation manager for queuing PLAXIS 2D and 3D calculations

Constitutive soil models

Access to User-Defined Soil Models (Advanced & Ultimate only)
      including a set of User-Defined Soil Models supplied by PLAXIS (i.e. PM4Sand, Creep-SClay1S etc.) (Advanced & Ultimate only)

Interoperability and file exchange

Import Seequent Leapfrog cross section stratification (PLAXIS 2D only) Import Leapfrog geological cross sections from Seequent Central into PLAXIS 2D Import LeapFrog cross section stratification
ProjectWise integration (Loading from and saving to ProjectWise server)
Bentley Cloud Services (Personal and project portals, Project association)
CAD/Geometry Import & Export
      PLAXIS 2D: *.DXF, *.txt, *.csv, *.BRep, *.GEO/STI
      PLAXIS 3D: *.DXF, *.STEP and *.BRep
      IFC (PLAXIS 3D only)
      Pointclouds (PLAXIS 3D only)
      Import and Export to ISM (PLAXIS 3D only) PLAXIS Webinar: From Structural to Geotechnical. Deep Foundations Analysis in PLAXIS 3D from a STAAD.Pro Model
PLAXIS 2D to PLAXIS 3D Converter (PLAXIS 2D only)
PLAXIS 2D LE model importer (PLAXIS 2D only) [Technology Preview]
Export to Limit Equilibrium: PLAXIS 2D LE (PLAXIS 2D only) [Technology Preview]
PLAXIS 3D Coupling Tool for STAAD.Pro (PLAXIS 3D only) [Technology Preview]
PLAXIS-SACS Suction Bucket Analysis (PLAXIS 3D only) [Technology Preview]
Import super element into PLAXIS 3D (PLAXIS 3D only) [Technology Preview]

PLAXIS Monopile Designer

Some features of PLAXIS Monopile Designer can be used stand-alone, while others require a concurrent PLAXIS 3D license, together with Geotechnical SELECT Entitlements (GSE). PLAXIS Monopile Designer can be used stand-alone with rule-based or user-supplied soil reaction curves. It requires PLAXIS 3D and GSE for numerical-based calibration of soil reaction curves, and for 3D verification. See here for more license details

The following PLAXIS Monopile Designer features are available through Geotechnical SELECT Entitlements:

Monopile Analysis

Numerical-based calibration of soil reaction curves (requires PLAXIS 3D)
Full 3D verification of design (requires PLAXIS 3D)
Python remote scripting interface for the 1D analysis


For PLAXIS 2D LE and PLAXIS 3D LE products, these features will be available through Geotechnical SELECT Entitlements, which can be activated when launching PLAXIS LE CONNECT Edition V21.

Note: This program was formerly known as the SOILVISION CONNECT Edition V10 and contained the products SVDESIGNER, SVSOILS, SVSLOPE, SVSOLID, SVENVIRO

Slope Stability Analysis Automation

Multi-Plane Analysis (MPA) YouTube: 3D Slope Stability with PLAXIS LE: Tutorial: Open Pit Multiplane Analysis (MPA)
Probability Analysis (3D)
Sensitivity Analysis (3D)

Slope Stability Analysis Material Spatial Representation

Block Models
Material Volume Meshes (MVMs)
Bedding Guides for Anisotropic Linear Model (ALM) materials
Blast Disturbance Zones for material strength reduction - [Technology Preview]

Slope Stability Analysis Options

Material Parameter Determination with SoilVision Soils
Pseudo-3D technique for Saturated Large-strain Consolidation (LSC) - [Technology Preview] SIG Workshop: Geotechnical Analysis - 3D large-strain consolidation analysis
Seismic Finite Element calculations focused on stability analysis - [Technology Preview]

PLAXIS Designer

For PLAXIS Designer, these features will be available through Geotechnical SELECT Entitlements, which can be activated when launching PLAXIS LE CONNECT Edition V21.

Note: This program was formerly known as SVDESIGNER as part of the SOILVISION CONNECT Edition V10.

Design Features

Generate 3D conceptual model volumes from multiple cross-sections
Block Models