How to remove the ability to create WorkSpaces and WorkSets from the User Interface


How to remove the Create WorkSpace and Create WorkSet options from the MicroStation interface.


The Create WorkSpace and Create WorkSet options are available by default, but if required these can be removed by setting the following variable at Organizational level.

Note: This task should be carried out by the Site Administrator.

Steps to Accomplish

To remove the Create WorkSet option

  1. Set the following variable

           MS_CONFIGURATIONOPTS = DisallowCreatingWorkSet


To remove the Create WorkSpace option

  1. Set the following variable

           MS_CONFIGURATIONOPTS = DisallowCreatingWorkSpace


To remove the Create WorkSpace and WorkSet options

  1. Set the following variable

           MS_CONFIGURATIONOPTS = DisallowCreatingWorkSpace,DisallowCreatingWorkSet


In addition the same variable can also be used to disable the the WorkSpace and WorkSet selection drop-down items. This can be done individually as above or together seperated by a comma as in the instance below.

           MS_CONFIGURATIONOPTS = DisallowSelectingWorkSpace,DisallowSelectingWorkSet

See Also

Other language sources





 Original Author:Carl Myhill